Tubal Ligation Reversal

In many cases, women choose not to have any more children. They decide on tubal ligation as a form of birth control - and then they change their minds and wonder if the procedure can be reversed. Tubal ligation, commonly referred to as "getting your tubes tied," involves closing the fallopian tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus. The tubes can be cut, clipped, tied, cauterized or non-surgically blocked.

Changing Your Mind After Tubal Ligation

Many women change their minds after tubal ligation surgery is done. In fact, some 25% of women who get their tubes tied decide within a few years down the road that they want to get a tubal reversal. The most common reason is a change in perspectives. Change in situation is another reason: the death of a child, the death of your spouse or re-marriage may all signal women to opt for tubal reversal surgery.

If you do change your mind about your tubal ligation and want to again have a chance to conceive, it is recommended that you seriously consider tubal ligation reversal as opposed to in vitro fertilization (IVF). Tubal ligation reversal has a higher pregnancy rate than IVF. It is also less costly.

Tubal Reversal Surgery

Reversal surgery is very similar to ligation surgery, except that the tubes are unclamped during tubal reversal. The success of this procedure does depend on whether your tubes were cauterized; reversal may be unfeasible as the lining of the fallopian tubes may have been damaged.

In the US, both clinics and hospitals offer this procedure. Some hospitals, however, require that patients remain hospitalized for two to five days after the procedure and full recovery can take from four to six weeks. However, new advances in surgery techniques has allowed some clinics to offer microsurgery tubal reversals.

Using microsurgery, the clinic can perform tubal reversal in less than one hour and the recovery time is quick. A local anesthesia is used and the procedure minimizes bleeding, tissue injury and discomfort. You can go back home or to your hotel two hours later and return to your normal activities within five to ten days after the procedure. The success rate is as high as 90%.

More than two thirds of women who undergo tubal ligation reversal report conceiving within a year. In fact, many women are able to get pregnant within six months after the procedure. There is, however, a higher risk for an ectopic pregnancy after surgery. As soon as you notice late menstruation, take a test to ascertain whether you're pregnant. If the test is positive, get your doctor to perform a test to confirm that this is not a tubal pregnancy.

Have questions about getting a tubal reversal? Talk with other women about it in our forum.


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clarinda watkins
Hi my name is clarinda Watkins when I was23 years old I got my tubes tide because I had three kids at the time and no support so my aunt made me get my tubes tide because she had support me and my kids then she die a year later then I meet the Man of dreams and been with him for ten years now and now he's ready to get married but I can't marry him because my kids are grown now and if we get married I can't give him a family and can't do this to him even though I no he loves me and don't care about have a baby I do I want a family with my husband please can you help me
10 years ago
Hi, im Eva and i had and ectopic pregn. in my left tub and my left tub was removed. how can i get pregn. with one tub? please help me.
12 years ago
Hi Becky, I came accross your post and signed up for the sole purpose of answering you...I know how you feel. For 10 years I had regretted getting my tubes tied. I have 4 kids and am grateful for them, but I did not feel right since that surgery. I know it was mental, that I do not deny...but I felt like a neutered animal, I didn't feel like a woman any more and it bled over into every aspect of my life. 3 weeks ago today I came back from my reversal surgery. I went to Dr. Toma in Cary, NC and he was wonderful. All these years, the money was the issue and I could not get it saved. Well this year, my income tax refund was used. It has been such a blessing; as soon as the pain let up I was able to really realize what I had just done and now it's like I have been given my life back. We are TTC, but will be ok if it doesn't happen, I am just so thankful for answered prayers and this second chance at life. It will happen for you too, just do not give up. Maybe you can use your next tax refund too. Best of luck my friend, it will all be okay. PS. I turned 33 on March 20, only have my left tube and ovary, and my surgeon said it went beautifully and I had just as good a chance as anyone to become a mother again!
12 years ago
Regrets having a tubal ligation surgery 7 years ago with filshie clips. I have four children all girls. I am 30 years old and I would have loved to have a son, but with the dissappointment of my last child being a girl, I gave up and being told I have to many kids and dont need no more I gave in to the tubal ligation, which is what I thought I wanted and needed. My husband did not want me to do it, however he did not fight me on it or stop me. I sure wish he did, or even talked me out of it. I have researched tubal ligation reversal with filshie clips and the prices I just cant afford. I really need a miracle. Learning from the first mistake with ligation surgery, I may just need to let nature take it's course and deal with what I chose and pray for mercy from above. I know all things are possible because my Mother had me after she had her tubes cut, tied, and burned. They said I jumped over. So I am trying to deal with never possibly having anymore children, is anyone have any amazing or miracle stories that maybe I could become pregnant? However, if I never do I will be okay because maybe it is not meant to be and I will accept that, but I still have faith and hope that anything is possible.
13 years ago