Well AF came Saturday morn. I'm going to stay positive though and move on to trying again this month. Taneia I hope you get your BFP Tuesday! I've decided I'm going to wait to test each month until I'm at least a few days late to avoid future disappointment.
Any updates Taneia or Sophia? It's going to be a long month for me...
Hello everyone, I'm new here and I am 4 DPO right now and from 2 DPO I've been having cramps and bloating and discharge. I have been TTC for 4 years with my husband and we miscarried on Mother's Day of this year. So I'm hoping these are pregnancy signs, I wish I could test now but have to wait another week or so.
hi, im 2dpo and i have mild cramping and discharging wet creamy cm,my back aches as long as i sit or lay down.when should i test?
Hi, We're 1st month properly ttc,but not been using any family planning since may- Im 4dpo, and having really bad cramps today, like my usual period cramps, sore bbs,feeling sick, also very tired...early symptoms or flu? :s