Does Clomid Help You Get Pregnant? Can I Buy Clomid Online?

1 Replies
izjanvfthvnyah - December 27

Hello, Doctor. My doctor prescribed me to take Clomid 2 tablets on the night from 15 to 19.12, from 24 to 27.12 sex, then in case the pregnancy does not come, repeat everything in the same way using the same pattern this month. That is, I had to start taking medicine again tonight. But the fact is that my monthly bleeding began only the day before yesterday evening for 33 days. Yesterday, just in case, I donated blood for pregnancy, the result is negative. My doctor is now on vacation, but I don’t know now how long I should start taking Clomid, according to which scheme to act this month? Tell me please


Grandpa Viv - December 27

No doctor here! Just go by cycle days, with the first day of your period being cycle day 1. If you take Clomid cycle days 4 thru 8 then have sex cycle days 11 thru 16. Best of luck!



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