Is This Implantation Bleeding 2
2 Replies
Hi everyone. New to the forum world. Husband and I have been ttcing for over 5 months... Early days yes... I had a missed miscarriage at 8w5d when I thought I was 11w3d. HUGE shock, but back now into the baby making business. My cycle is pretty much 28days to the letter. Drove over 650km to an outback town where hubby works (the things we do when we ovulate!!) for three days when I was ovulating according to opt) and did the BD every day (sorry if TMI!)... My AF isn't due for another ten days,but yesterday at work I went to the loo and there was alight brown smear witn sortof veinsrunning through it.... Very light and a bit like jelly... The sort of consistency I'd have at the start of AF. Because I'm still more than a week away though I'm wondering if this could be IB? I didn't have anything like this last time, and have never experienced spotting in between periods. Hope someone out there can give me a hint! I think it'll be too early to test... hcG won't be high enough yet but I'm chomping at the bit, here! Anyone else have similar experiences THIS EARLY after supposed ovulation? I'd only be 5 days pregnant! But then again ovulation is pesky...
Pink and brown when wiping is a common description of IB, and about 5 days after ovulation would be right. Are you experiencing any weird and untimely cramps? Good luck in your quest!
Hi Grandpa Viv - thanks for responding. It's now day 4 of this curious business, and the flow has increased to more red. Still not enough to warrant anything except wear a panty liner, though. I'm suspecting it's my AF after all, and just a week early. I succ_mbed to the urge and took an Early Response HPT this morning and there was the FAINTEST pink line there - almost like my eyes were playing tricks. LOL. Am going to TRY to resist testing again until CD28 (which is in 8 days' time). I think it would be FAR too early to show up... unless it's multiples! Twins run in both my and my husband's family (his dad, my grandad, my sister had a set...) I guess I'm so eager I'm starting to hypothesize... ought to stop that... Have had a couple of weird cramps, like when I stand I get that ache. Again, thanks for you input! :)