No Discharge Missed Period Am I Pregnant???
5 Replies
We are trying for a 2nd child from 6months onwards. I went for a check before I plan DR told everything is fine.I get my period regularly every month but date varies. last LMP on 31 August 2017, 10 days late missed the period I can have breast tenderness, nausea& increased urination since 2days, on & off back pain & pelvic tingles thirsty mouth, but my discharge until missed period I have clear& white discharge later on it came to dry to very low. does it means am I pregnant or not? since every month I disappointed I didn't test. Please advice me.
even I noticed nosebleed one day just for few drops
That sounds promising enough. When are you going to run a home test?
thanks for reply it encouraged me i will check it tomorrow.
i tested today it came negative. what could it be other than pregnant ?in my 1st pregnancy got lot of dischage but now no discharge is it fine?
Hmm. Most pregnancies would give a positive test by 10 days late. You could try again after a week has passed but I am not optimistic. If the symptoms persist you could ask to be checked for an ovarian cyst, which might go away by itself.