Period But Still Pregnant?
4 Replies
since having unprotected sex, I have had 2 periods that both lasted 7 days. I would be about 12-13 weeks pregnant now. I have all the symptoms of pregnancy except I have gotten negative tests. Also have been having some pretty bad lower abdominal cramps. Any chance of pregnancy?
The chance of this being a pregnancy is very low, but you do need to see a doctor to find out what else might be causing your symptoms
Thank you for your response. When you say "the chance of pregnancy is very low", statistically speaking, would you say that it is like a 1% chance or is it higher than that? I have been tested for h pylori and have also had an abdominal ultrasound that came back normal but did not check my pelvis area.
Yes, about 1% would be right. Symptoms of pregnancy can be caused by ovarian cysts and glandular upsets. A doctor would have to diagnose this.
Thank you for your response! What do you've think about the other thread I made about some people reporting that they didn't get a positive test until 10-12 weeks. Is that possible?