Hello all,
Me & DH have been TTC for over an year. This month my periods we're due on the 3rd and they are pretty regular on time. From the 2nd I started getting dull cramps and expected that they'll start soon, however they didn't. Cramps went on for two days and disappeared. I've had three BFN's (used cheepy hpt).
Is it still a chance I could be pregnant or it would have been detected by now as I'm 3 days late? Anyone else had similar and got bfp later?
On the one hand you should not give up hope until negative at two weeks late. On the other you don’t have enough early signs for optimism. After a year without success it is time to consult a fertility specialist
Hey there. I hope you are doing good? I am really sorry that you have wait so much. I think you should visit a doctor. It's really late. I wish you good luck. Take care.
Hey, I hope you are doing well. I would suggest that you visit a doctor. Since it has been over a year. Usually, couples are told to start visiting a fertility specialist after a year of trying. Apart from that wait for at least 2 weeks until you come to a conclusion. I guess you should also use an expensive pregnancy test. As sometimes the cheap ones aren't able to deduct anything and they do tend to give false results. I hope a BFP for you.
How are you doing now? I can totally relate your situation to mine. I have been there in my life. For like three times. But all that time, it was bfn. But I hope it is something good for you. The best thing to do in such a situation is to go for blood tests. It is quite helpful. It can clearly tell what you are going through. It will clear all your doubts. I have been through a lot. And I wish no one ever have to face all that. I will pray for you. I hope you will get some good news. Fingers crossed for you. Lots of baby dust on your way.
Hello there. I know how much stress and tensed you are these days. Can completely understand it from your post. I think to make things clear you must go for the blood tests. They are best in such cases. They will help you to know what exactly is going on inside you. It will help you clear everything. Don't worry about it this much. Everything will be fine. Stay calm and relaxed. Hope to have some good news. Stay hopeful and strong. I hope everything goes fine for you. Take good care of yourself. Lots of love to you. Fingers crossed for you.