I Got Pregnant And I Don't Know Who The Father Is.

1 Replies
chantelle26 - August 23

I went out on drinks with some friends one night. We were about 8 or maybe 10 in a group and we were in this club. So we just went dancing and we were all having fun. A foreign guy approached me and asked me out to dance with him and of course, I did. I mean, who would say no to a gorgeous guy, right? We kept drinking and dancing and the next morning, I just found myself lying in an unfamiliar bed and naked. I tried to look if somebody else was around but nobody was. A month later, I keep feeling dizzy and I keep vomiting. Panicked, I went on for a check-up where the doctor told me I was pregnant. I suddenly remembered waking up in that bed and I knew by then that whoever the guy I spent the night with is the father. However, who is he? I tried asking my friends and they seem to not know of what happened to us because everyone was drunk and wasted as hell. What do you think should I do?


Grandpa Viv - August 28

Sympathy, Chantelle. You must be kicking yourself, and also wondering why your friends did not have your back that evening. Do you want find this guy? Would you recognize him if you saw him? If you found him, do you think he would in any way be interested in his child? Maybe you should just chalk it up to lessons learned and figure out how you want t handle the situation on your own.

If you do want to find him you could go back to the club and see if he shows. He might even ask you to dance again. He's gotten lucky there before and probably makes a habit of it. The bartender and waitresses there might well  know who he is. Does the location of the bed not give you some clues?



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