Help 16 And Pregnant Bambi123
51 Replies
They'll be even more p__sed if you wait that long...
It is time to grow up Bambi!!! Tell you parents as they are the ones that are going to do all the work, don't you think it would be the fair and mature thing to do...? They might not even be into the idea of being parents all over again for the next 18 years.
(roll eyes at bambi) its all going to end in tears! the longer you leave it the worse its going to be! i wish i could just ring your parents up and tell them lol
maybe its just not in scotland..or maybe only in tha part of the u.k ....i'm not saying your lyin. lol i'm just so confused cause we have never heard it before...
hmmm maybe i thought it was an all over the world thing as everyone has a feb 29th every 4years? hmm i dont know
yes it's all over the world, but no one that i've ever heard of celebrates it in any way.