And Ellie just got her flu shot yesterday so she's been so fussy! I feel like I'm going to die :( Anyway I wanted to update you guys on her six month appointment. She's 13 pounds & 4 ounces, I think she said 25 inches long. Healthy as an ox. She has another appointment in a month to be updated on her flu shot, and another appointment a month after that so my doctor can monitor her weight... even though he says to me every time "she's just small." She is growing steadily, just not as fast as some others. As an "I'm sorry for making those mean nurses give you shots" I started her on applesauce which she LOVES. She just gobbled it down :) Updates on your guys' kids/pregnancies?
Amanda i am sorry you are sick....if it makes you feel any better i started my period last night and now have HORRIBLE cramps....but it makes me kinda happy cause now i cant believe i delt with these cramps 27/7, before this shot and my surgery, so i guess it could be worse. : )
Sorry you're sick! But it's cute that she loves applesauce!
Haha DB that doesn't make me feel better because I'm sick and I've been on my period for the past 4 days. What does make me feel better is I stole my friend's iPod touch and I just connected the internet to it. It. Is. AWESOME.
Lucky you I want an apple ipod touch!!
I'm addicted to it... it's AMAZING! It's like a little mini awesome computer.
man my brother wants us to get him one for x mas....and im like..........isnt the 6,000. trip to knotts berry farm and disneyland enough!!....Which reminds me...woo hoo i am so excited 8 more days til we leave!!!
What is that, DB? That's pretty cool.
I'd love to buy an ipod but we have a new baby, so I don't want to waste money on me when it can all go to her.
I am excited! while you girls are having your babies i will be with the family in cali for 8 days....lol
Haha my friend got it free with his Mac, so he didn't want it :P I got a stupid ipod nano free with my Mac and we traded. Knotts Berry Farm FTW! :D