No Period Negative Test -pg121366075676
4 Replies
My last period was May 13th. I have a very regular 29 day cycle which should have resulted in a period on June 11th. It still has yet to make it's appearance and doesn't seem to on it's way any time soon. I picked up a home pregnancy test from Walgreens while running errands this afternoon and took it as soon as I got home. The results came back negative, which makes absolutely no sense. I am never late so I can't explain this. I've been nauseous on and off for the past five days especially just after I eat or at the smell of food, experiencing random dizzy spells followed by nausea and bloated. I know this isn't just signs of an impending period as my periods are rather pleasant since I don't experience any of the typical period symptoms (no cramps, no bloating, etc.). I have another test which I plan to take as soon as I get up in the morning. What could be the explanation for this? I just don't understand it. ~Meygan~
your period could be late because of stress. wait a few days and take another test, if you dont get your period in the next week, go to the doctors and have them give you a pregnancy test.
You should also be taking the test with first morning urine.
you're probably making yourself believe you're pregnant, so you're forcing these "symptoms" into your mind. stop worrying about it. you probably had stress during O time and ovulated late. so how old are you?
I took the second test first thing this morning, again with negative results. I don't recall being under any stress within the past month, but of course I can't rule it out. I've given up on worrying. If my period continues to be late I will test once a week until it makes it's appearance. By July 9th if my period is still late I will make a doctors appointment. To answer your question Teddy, I'll be turning eighteen in three weeks. And as I'm sure the question will arise, yes I have graduated high school and this week I have an interview with CVS for a position as a pharmacy technician. I guess we'll see what happens with time.