Any Young Mommies Who Are Really Excited
96 Replies
lmfao!! that is so rich coming from you! atleast i can sit here and say hell yeh i can be immature! if i was mature all of the time i,d be some stuck up stiff!! i can be mature when it matters! i mean who are you to say grow uo before your child comes......pfftt how about grow up before you conceive number 2!
lmao your just too freaking funny. You do need to grow up before you have that kid. Me? I have one, who's taken care of, loved, diapered, fed, played with, bathed, taught etc. I dont have to resort to name calling. I can talk like a human being. You throwing out insults like that shows how much growing you still have to do.
All of these things that people are saying about being sleep deprived, crying, frustrating, pulling out your hair moments.... it may sound crazy but its something to look forward to now! I know its not going to be a walk in the park, i know im going to probably have many of those times.. and like Addysmommy said its ok to ask questions, its ok to not know what to do in a rough spot! You learn from the mistakes and you become a better parent! i absolutely can not wait until this baby comes! My boyfriend is amazing and i couldnt ask for anything better! I cant wait to hear the footsteps running through the house! AHH im so excited lol *sorry im having a good day!*
Aylarose, you sound wonderful! It is hard but you do enjoy every minute of it. I love my daughter to death, yes sometimes she makes me insane but that's what kids do lol. I didnt think it would be as hard as it is but we get through it and the good times make you forget about all the hard. Congrats and good luck!
alyarose i know exactly how you feel!! i simply can not wait until my baby comes either!! and i get to wake up to the sound of it needing its mummy and daddy!! my partner has agreed he will get up with me to help him bond to (as i will be b___stfeeing) so cant really take it in turns lol. i cant wait to b__w little rasberrys on its bum lmao!! and get it up in the morning and wake up its daddy or dito.................u know theres hard times to but im just not going to dwell on them when they happen and moan about the hard times all day long! you just deal with it dont you lol....... at first i was so scared i was like omg i have to give birth i cant do im goin gto die!! but now im just like its going to be so worth it! i think its as i bond with the baby when i feel it move ect it just gets me so excited! i love it to death allready lol!! i cant wait to not have time to do anything but feed change play comfort burp my baby! and morelol
Aww its even more stuff to look forward to! Taking their hand when they are old enough to walk and say "lets go get daddy up!" and you see them trying to get their daddy up and you see his expression! I can not wait! I am super excited and my boyfriend is nervous but excited. I am patiently waiting for the baby to move and kick! its hard because i want to feel it.. but i have to be patient. lol
aww i have those little images in my head lol......... alyarose im lucky i started to feel flutters at 13 1/2 weeks im now 16 weeks 2days and i feel it all the time! some people are amazed i feel it this early as its my first! i had a scan at 14weeks and thats when i knew i could feel the baby for defo as i felt its kicks and seen them lol, how far along are you? you,l be suprised how fast time flies! this time next week i,ll be over 17weeks! its amazing lol
I will be 8 weeks friday! I will probably be able to feel the baby move when my boyfriend comes home! I cant wait to see his expression when he feels the baby move! He wants a boy of course and I want a little girl because i just love the name we have picked out! i cant wait for those little moments!
it's very challenging to be a mother, but those small moments that mean so much.. those are the ones i am looking forward to! it's definitely a completely life-changing experience.. and ayla rose, isn't it so helpful to have a boyfriend to support you? my fiance is really excited about our baby and it makes it more exciting for me too! it's nice to know i'm not alone in this.. but i am also amazed and inspired by the woman who do it alone with no support! i start my baby cla__ses this thursday and i'm excited to learn all that i can about the baby, myself, and being a good parent. and i almost have my insurance squared away so i'll be going in for an ultrasound soon and i'll be able to find out my exact due date! right now i'm anywhere between 4-7 weeks.. i'm so silly, i can't seem to figure it out.
It is so amazing to have him there for me! He is an amazing guy, yes of course he has his in the beginning when we first found out i was pregnant! I let that go and we moved on! He is super excited and nervous, he wants to know what it is so bad lol to have him call me and check up on me its a big sigh of relief! My sister is a single mommy, I have all the respect for her in the world! just thinking about those little moments where they wrapped their arms around you and say " i love you!" AWW lol
sheesh, this thread turned bad didnt it ladies?? well ill posy my 2cents :D
I belive that parenting is HARD no matter how you look at it, if it where easy lets face it all the crack heads and dead beats could do it but they cant, its hard you need to work at everything you get no holidays :d the only reward (the best one) is your children. yes soem of you are syaing *cough* its how you look at it NO parenting at the end of the day is hard or difficult what ever word you wanna use, some find parenting harder thn others it depends on your patience levels and SOO many more things. but again this is MY opinion and i have a child so i know what its like, some days i wake up and go sheesh this is easy, some days not so much, anyone who thinks parenting is easy needs a huge wake up call
Yep, everyone takes everything differently, and does everything differently. Life is life. Parenting is parenting. Hard moments for some may not be for others like I said, easy moments for some may not be for others. Everyone does things differently. Like I said all that matters is you're honest and if you have a problem, ASK it :) If you feel miserable hey it's FINE to cry ! Smile when you feel like smiling and let everything out when you can't take it anymore lol. From baby woes to family woes, to "MY BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND IS PISSIN' ME OFF!!!!!" just leettttttt it out. Better for everyone (you,baby,family,etc)
i 100 % agree with you Tess :D haha i'm off for the night chow :)
I've been reading all of this and I have to say that everyone is fighting over nothing. I think we all know parenting is hard. Anyone who thinks it isn't is high or an aunt. I understand the concept of keeping in your head that it is easy so you can think positive and not become one of those frustrated on edge parents. Angelmonkey, you have to understand that just like when some of the moms come on here and make certain comments that rile up the pregnant moms-to-be, making that kind of comment can be taken the wrong way, which is probably why Amanda19 is riled up. Because the way it looks is that you are saying that their kid is giving them a hard time because they have a negative att_tude towards parenting. Which all in all is saying they aren't being a good parent. I understood what you are trying to say, and no offense but I notice that you have pregnancy brain. I mean that with all the love in the world. It's like in the beginning you made your points really clear, but the past weeks or so your typing is has more errors and your trying your hardest to come up with the right word to describe your point but it won't come to you, so you write out a description to try to get your point across but once you hit submit and look back, you realize it was all jumbled. I remember the days of pregnancy brain well. So everyone, lets calm down and get that most likely this is the issue, and Angelmonkey, realize that your words are being misunderstood and it is offending a bit.
lol ashley so people who have kids and think its easy need a wake up call! lol how does that happen. and acyually there are many children who have crack heads and herion addicts as paerents. so they obviously can do cant they! im not saying very well but they still do. all i have to say to all og those who find it hard your bad but not all do deal with it. aylarose and esperanza rose im glad your borh excited and i know exactly what you mean about having the support of a partner i love that i have someone here for me 24/7 i couldnt go through it without him.....thoses people that are single parents well i see why thye may find it hard but i think i,d crack lol. i cant wait until are baby comes along and i have my partner there with me 24/7 (he does a home computor course) we will be able to share every single moment together which i think will make it alot easier than him being at work or not living with me ect good luck girlies...haha lol V i totally do have pregnancy brain! i say something thne forget what im saying then think i remember but i dont quite lol, which is why half the people on this post dont understand what half the stuff is going on about and why it has turned in to fighting because they dotn read all the way through! which is why i think people are thinking im saying " parenting is really easy" to all of thoses who think thats the message well just go away.