Man... That sucks big time :(
ouch... i hope oyu sweared at him everytime you had to push without any medication lol..
lol pcwife well im such a wimp that im to scared to have an epidural, i,ve told mymidwife that i am just going to stick to gas an air! lol
oh and i also had my appointment through today and have a scan next tuesday! yay!!
how soon can you take a test???
everbodys different i took mine 6days b4 my period was due and it was jst a pondland one but some dont get a positive untill like 2 weeks after they miss a period
first response brand pregnancy tests claim to be able to tell you five days before your missed period, but if you go to the doctor to get a blood test you can probably find out a bit sooner than that.
first responce is now 6days i just seen an advert for it lol, i had a beta bloodtest at 9dpo and my level was 24 and i actaullay think i got my positive test 10dpo so 5days before my missed period but i was amazed that i got it on a pondland one
hey guys well last night i had drama.. went into the emergency room because since i been pregnant my asthma has been out of control.. but they did a pregnancy test and im am definilty pregnant no if, ands, or buts about it.. he said i was 5 weeks so yall were right on your guess.... and to answer some one elses question i took my test 2 weeks after miss period lol... i was a punk and scared so thats why i waited so long..
oh i dont have an appointment to pick a doctor yet till 22 of this month its for the army to no they are having another little on being born on the base and to make sure im set up with every living thing i would ever need.. everyone in my husbands platoon is excited since im the only on pregnant this year so im pregnantby my self now lol.. everyother had there babies this year already.. so they are treating me ok..
thast good then pcwife thats the day i have my fisrt scan the 22nd lol good luck