a___l, dont quote me on any of this because i am going off of memory, you might want to google it.The gel you are talking about is prostaglandin gel i am asumeing....that is alot better to induce labor then pitocin, or cervadil, which is mostly what we use in america....the prostoglandin gel is alot more natural, because it is the real hormone along with oxytocin that gets produced to start labor...Oxytocin is what a woman produced when they orgasm causeing the uterus to contract and prostaglandins are what is in the male sperm that causes the cervix to soften and even cause contractions...So in my opinion (but like i said google it) it is the safest and most natural way of induction....keep in mind to that it being your first child they may have to induce you anyways. So i dont think induction is a bad path to take....THE DOWNFALL: i believe with the prostaglandin gel it will cause you even longer labor because it is slow setting. they insert it then make you not move for a few hours to make sure it stays in place, then it can take 5-6 hours for labor to actually start...and thats if it does start...make sure you talk to your dr about the other method they will use if the prostaglandin gel doesnt induce labor for you
i dont know what its called i just know its hormone based, my brother gf was induced 7 weeks ago as she was 12 days late, they used the gel and she started having contractions within 10mins and was in labour for 6hours i think, but then again they said her cervix was so soft and ready that they think she would of gone in by herself that night so thats why it may of happened fast...............she said they use the gel if that doesnt work they will use it again and if it still doesnt work use the drip which is also some kind of hormone i think...............
yea i dont want to refuse being induced to have to get induced because of being late anyway, and i will be pretty much 40weeks by the time they give me a date and i supose the longer she stays in after 40 weeks the more the risk of something happening in my eyes.............i would just rather be sat at home and for me to be like, oh my waters have broken lol, but then with it being my first i have less chance of that anyway..........also i could be in hospital for hours anyway because of my group B strep as i have to go in as soon as my contraction are regular even if there an hour apart so i supose it doesnt really make a difference if the gel takes a while
My epidural went beautifully, first of all. The first time it did NOTHING but I mentioned that to the anesthesiologist. Jeff had to hold my hand though, because I will admit that pressure was NOT comfortable but it wasn't painful. NO reprocussions my back is fine I don't get headaches nothing bad from it. Nothing bad from my first, either. But I am fairly sure I want to keep my last birth (if we have another) 100% natural unless I have to be induced again. But that's ok. Angel, I gotta say my induction was great. They had to break my water, but everything went fine. If you choose to be induced, by all means, everything will probably be fine!
iona: a__sume what you'd like about me. maybe i'm willing to do more to make sure my daughter didn't get the group b strep from me. if you know how my pregnancy started, then me doing everything i did would make sense. i did my research and just because i decided to have the antibiotics doesn't mean i didn't do research or only talked to one doctor. no it won't guarantee the newborn doesn't get gb, but it definitely raises my chance of not having the group b strep while i was in labor. i'm willing to take that chance. and why would you think my doc would give me a med that i'm allergic to? regardless, there are too many what if's for each side, so what's the point of arguing it? my daughter was fine with the exception of her collarbone and i'm fine now. your baby could have been hurt with a home birth just like my baby could have been hurt being born at the hospital. neither side is wrong. you strike me as the kind of person who doesn't vaccinate their child because it's all just hype from the pharmaceutical companies. and don't put words in my mouth. i didn't say you were a bad mom. you did what you felt was safe for you and your child, and i said that made a good mom. trust me, i am informed.
angel: go right ahead ^^ one thing i forgot to mention was that because of the baby's size she was completely pale/white when she was born. she was so white my husband thought she was albino and i'm not even trying to be funny lol.
iona: i meant to add, i would have loved to start labor at home and get to relax in my home until it was crunch time, but things happen y'know?
heaven: when my doc told me i needed to be cut, i told her i didn't want to be but whatever as long as i didn't feel it lol.
newbaby: ah i didn't know that.
angel: you wouldn't be induced out of convenience. you are having severe discomfort so it's a medical reason. and like i said my labor was pretty good overall. 6-7 hours total and my epi worked. i can't complain lol.
I agree with Teddy, Angelmonkey. I've heard of those rashes getting pretty severe closer to term, even if it isn't the kind that is a symptom of problems with your liver. The thing is, I wouldn't fret over it too much. You have time, and you never know if you'll go into labor naturally before your next appointment, or you might be showing such progress that that decision will be a cinch to make.
yea i think i,ll make the decsion closer the time, i had a scan at 29 weeks to check my liver ect and have had a 4th bloodtest to check my liver and bio acids or something, they have come back fine 3times but they are still testing everyweek as they say it may not show until the last miniute...........its just even more frustrating not knowing what it is, this country doesnt even seem to know what puppps is, and apparently the anti D injection can cause an itchy rash but when i mentio it to them they just kind of nod and start talking about my liver again.............they think its pregnancy related thouigh and are pretty sure the only cure is delivery which is why they are still talking about being induced
Teddy: My doctor actually kept asking if I wanted the snip while I was pushing my son out because he was coming down so fast. I was trying to catch my breath and was like "Yes whatever, do it!" I tore anyway.
When did you get the rash? Where did it start and what does it look like? I think PUPPPS usually occurs around 35 weeksish, starts in the stretch marks and looks like a bunch of little red wheels.
it first started on my legs at about 25 weeks, it was just lots of raised bumps that itched like mad............. it then spread to my belly a fewweeks after and i dont even know how to explain it, there is probably a circle around my belly b___ton thats skin colour its like a big red/purple blotchy rash with bright red lines in it that looks like stretch marks but its nit ita where all the raised bumps have joined...........it recently started coming back on my legs too.............the doctors dont even seem to know what puppps is here..................i think it may be a reaction to my anti D jabs as it always gets worse about 2 weeks after i have one
Hmm. It doesn't sound like PUPPPS. Maybe your doctors are shrugging off the idea of puppps because they don't think that's what it is. They're the experienced ones so just go with whatever they are telling you. I know I always tried to figure out why my doctor was doing things... I'd be up at 3 in the morning googling all my tiniest problems trying to figure out why he scheduled an ultrasound or something like that. All in all, google doesn't have a medical degree and neither do I. Everything will be fine :)
amanda when i told my doctor about puppps he had vener even heard of what it was and had to go and ask a consoltant who didnt even come and look at my rash.............i have seen pictures of what pupps looks like and it looks exactly the rash on my belly.................i,ve given up on actually finding out what it is now, its not going to go away and i only have 2 weeks left if i dont get induced, they just seem to think its somethign with my liver even though every single test has come back fine...........i dotn think they like being told hmm maybe its this if they didnt think about it, let alone know what it is lol
Maybe you have an unusual case of PUPPPS if you say your rash looks like it. Maybe your doctors call it something else but you're talking about the same thing. I think I read somewhere that puppps is related to your liver.
Angelmonkey-I'm pretty sure Amanda is on the right track. The thing you are saying about your body accepting a foreign object is true-hence those shots you've been having to take. Because of your type and your bf's blood type coming together to make this baby. Obviously your blood type doesn't fit well with the baby's, this sends your system into a fight-to fight off your baby. That's why you need the shots. The problem is that sometimes your immune system being in this state of flux can break down your liver and other organs. This is why they keep checking your liver. Because some women's livers try to punk out on them closer to their due date. Sometimes doctor's don't catch it, but the woman will complain of a rash that's been bothering her for a while. This usually alerts them of what is the matter. So it sounds like they don't want to alarm you because it hasn't gotten to that point yet, but it is a possibility-hence why they keep checking and they keep being open to scheduling an induction.
V my blood doesnt fight of the baby or see it as a foreign object unless my blood mixes with her blood which is why you have the jabs incase that happens and one after you give birth because its possibale it will happen, and even then its not really dangourouse with your first, it will fight of the second baby becasue my body would of develpoed antibodys to pregnancy pretty much, it doesnt affect me now though and i dont htink it has anything to do with my partners blood he could be negative too and so could the baby, its just becasue its not common...........
the only thing i can think of is puppps or an alergic reaction to the jab
V yes they are checking my liver every week because it can suddenly show a problem towards the end........to be honest i think its a hormone thing, when i first started my periods i god a rash over my face for the first 3months which they put down to hormoens causing the rash...............im really not trying to work out what it is anymore its not dangourous atm so im not going to worry myself over it, i just want it to go away lol
heya angel man i been missing alot thats been going on... im glad everything is going well with your pregnancy... i cant believe your almost done and will be seeing your little one soon....
i know, right? it's crazy to remember when she was trying. seems like just yesterday.