With my second child being born in december, we are trying to help Dominik understand that he will be a big brother. He is only 17 months but i dont want him to feel he is being replaced, My boyfriend rubs my tummy and says "is that the baby?" haha and now when Dominik is cuddling wih me he rubs my tummy, I dont think that he understands but maybe if we keep telling him there will be a new baby coming it may make it easier for him.
Someone has suggested that later in the pregnancy to buy a doll and teach Dominik to hold it and stuff as if it where a real baby. Im just wondering if any one else has any suggestions on how to keep Dominiik from feeling left out !
I don't think he's ever really going to get that you have another person inside of you. As for him feeling left out... Just be sure that he gets enough attention... Say, when you are working with the newborn, have the dad play with Dominik, and vice versa. Then frequently set aside days with just you and him or him and his dad when you find the time.
you'd be surprised what babies can understand. if you tell your son that there's a baby in your tummy, he may ask how he got in there and it's always great to ask kids how they think the baby got in there (unless they somehow know the real way lol). answers like "did you eat it?" never get old.
OMG ashley!!! dominiks mom...lol hahaha...sooo sorry i forgot your name on here...your preggo again!! congrats!!
ashley how far along are you?
im 13 weeks 3 days. Yes Dominik's mom :D yeah we just found out not to long ago.
I think in a way he understands he likes ot hug my tummy and he cuddles alot more with my belly :P
preciousbaby19- i think i have yu on msn ,, just cantremeber what it is LMAO
i have you on msn. I just need you piczo. Mine is gone. after two years of having it.they just deleted it....sad..i know. Lol but i'm happy for you. You hopin for a girly this time/?
yeah def wanna girl went for appt they cant tell yet
:( Hopefully soon i'll know. i made a new piczo lol if yu wanna check it out its our-precious-family.piczo dot com
aww its good hun!! i'm so happy for you. Let me know when your on msn and give me a shout.
im on msn right now ;) wuts ur addy? mine is perfect_innocent_angel69 at hotmail.com
ah, so you're going into your second trimester tomorrow. well grats. i'm about 6 weeks ahead of you and have another gender/innard scan on the 2nd. that way we can confirm it is a girl and exchange if necessary lol. i have a myspace, but i'm so lazy, i never update it *sigh* otherwise i'd have pics up. oh wait! my husband has a blog. let's see it's edaddy.wordpress.com. that way you can see our roller coaster ride thus far and our scans.
i mean exchange clothes btw LMAO. that sounded terrible of me lol!
HAha lol ill take alook :D
oh wow I saw your lovely combination of donuts and hotsauce HAHAHA i def have to say that is one weird combination hun lol
duuuuuuuuude! but it was so good!!! i crave that all the time now lol.
HAHAHA i have really been wanting cream cheese bagels, that is odd for me cuz i dunt even like creamcheese or bagels :P