Also, unless they had sonograms specifically showing the bleeding coming from their uterus or their cervix you wouldnt know the difference. In any case any bleeding in pregnancy is not a period. It is called in-pregnancy bleeding, but I won't try and beat you girls over the head with this. Just giving you GOOD information. If you choose not to believe facts that is fine. :) TTYL!
OK, I just did research and what you said was right Krissy...but I was just going off of what these woman went through (the people I knew, not the people on here)
Its all good. :) Like I said a lot of girls really use the word period very lightly because you would think (even I used to think) that any blood that comes from the v____a is a period, when in reality it just isn't true. It took me FOREVER to learn and understand that and why. :)
Yeah, I never really read up on it until today...but even then I can't say I know alot about it, or that it will fully register in my mind at this point.
You can bleed, but its not called an actual period. It could either be old blood from your last period(brownish color) or it could be implantation bleeding(normal color). When I was pregnant with my son... I sat on the toilet and had a flow of blood. It lasted a whole day. Before that, I had bleeding twice. I was pregnant through out all of it. Some people get heavier implantation bleeding then others. No biggie. BUT if your not sure that you are pregnant or anything, the just ask your doctor if you can do a blood test. It's simple and effective. Good luck.
hey well i just found out i'm 16 weeks pregnant;and i wasn't sure at the time.. because i had my period during the middle of march and the end of april;i figured i might wanna go check to be presice because i was feeling like c___p in the morning and i would get numerous headache's throughtout the week;also i contained many cramps in my sides and my stomach;to be sure before you go out and party with your friends;take a home pregnancy test.. and if it still says negative go to your doctor;because i took a home preg. test and it said negative and than i took another and it said positive:) i wasn't too happy at first so i went to my doctor to make sure and found out i was 16 weeks. i know i'm not ready for a kid;but this was my mistake..i was the stupid 16 year old..now just go to your doctor:).
lol addy are you not publicly friendly today either? i think i'm not tolerant of anyone today and probably shouldn't be on these boards right now lol.
After reading all the retard gabber I am SO not feeling friendly lol
lol me neither. but you know what? we're allowed mwahaha!
my last period was on june 28 and i took a home pregnancy test and it was negative now i just got my period again yesterday aug 21...could i still be pregnant??