Can You Tell Me -pg122537880487
4 Replies
I just found out yesterday I am 2 cm dialated. I am 35w 5d and scheduled c-section in 2w 5d. I just had a bio sono done and apparently the baby is measuring 2 weeks further along and weighs 7lbs right now. So, I have an appointment on Mon. do you think he will put me in earlier or do you think he will keep the same c-section date? The sono tech said that just because the baby measures ahead doesn't mean she is really ahead...
Oh, and she is also heads down too...
Your Sono tech is right just because she is measuring ahead doesn't really mean anything. Many times a baby measures ahead and then they are born and they were right on track. I am 38w 5d right now and I know how much you must want this over with...cuz I do...believe me! But it's so important to give your baby every opportunity to continue growing and if your doctor doesn't think that it's necessary to take the baby this early, then I'd be inclined to believe that there can be no harm in waiting the 2w and 5d that you have left. Many wishes for a healthy delivery.
Thank you. I honestly would rather wait for the 2w 5d because I based everything financial around the 18th...
yeah a baby can measure big, but be developmentally behind, so they'll probably keep their same date.