It S A BOY Jack Arrived On 8 7
3 Replies
Well, I have to give you the very short version of the long drawn out labor I had! I went to the doc on Wednesday they checked me and I was 0 cm and 90% effaced, but they said my blood pressure was way too high to keep this baby inside of me (bp was 152/100). So the midwife said can you be at the hospital by 1:30 (it was 10:30) and I immediately starting crying bc all of the sudden I realized it was time and it made me sooo freakin' nervous! Well, I had a day planned w/ my Mom to drop off my car to get tires and brakes done and then go shopping for a rug for the baby's room... little did I know the baby had other plans for me! So I took my husband back to work to get his car and let his work know what was up and then went home to get all of our things together! Got to the hospital, they hooked me up to the monitors where I would stay for the next day and half bc of my bp they needed to monitor me always. So they gave me cytotec to thin out my cervix and start labor at 4:20. The next morning at 9:30 they checked me after I was having contractions all night with no sleep and i was 1 cm 100% effaced... then came the pitocin bc I wasn't progressing! That my friends kicked in and kicked my ass! Got the epidural at 4:00 bc I was EXHAUSTED from no sleep for 28 hours and in PAIN! I was very disappointed, but like my midwife said... an induced labor is nothing to play around with pain wise! They checked me after my epidural and i was barely 3 cm... DAMN!! So she broke my water... I was able to sleep for a few hours and then the pressure became really crazy... I told the nurse at 8:30 that I was having intense pressure down there and she said "well, your contractions really don't show on the monitor that anything is happening" Really??? Bc I feel like I have a baby's head pushing on my crotch! WOW! SO she checked me and said oh, your about 6 or 7 cm... and have a few hours to go! WOW again! then about 30 -40 mins later I told my husband to get the nurse bc this baby was coming out soon.. she came in and said ok, I'll check you, but I don't want you to get discouraged... well low and behold... she said "your fully dialated and ready to go" NO SHIT, Thats what I've been saying!!!! So she got everyone except my mom, dad, MIL and husband out of the room... I had quite a few visitors in my lengthy stay so far! She said the baby is still high up so if you push now, you will be pushing for a good 2 hours... I said, Let's GO!! Then much to my stubbornness, Jack was born less than an hour later! The doc and nurse were floored bc I pushed will all my might and got it done! The doc walked in and checked me thinking she would be coming back in a few minutes and she said... oh my gosh, I guess you are ready! So Jack was 8lbs 12 oz and 22 inches long at exactly 11pm! I had a few "skid marks tears" that needed to be st_tched, but other than that I was golden! He is awesome! My husband bathed him while they st_tched me and then he nursed! My mom took a pic of him, ran down the hall to show everyone waiting that it was a boy, and ran back in! And then the party began! My 2 BF's, my bro and a great family friend came in and everyone was so happy! Jack was soooo alert when he was born, that the nurses were saying he was like a month old baby... he had no puffiness and his color was gorgeous! We got to go home Saturday morning . Nursing has been a little of an issue, but we are both getting better at it! I am in love with a new man! He is soooo wonderful... my husband says he has never seen a smile like that on my face then the one when he was born and laying on my belly! I will update more later... I hope all you new moms are doing great and the August mommies to be are doing well and waiting patiently!
Wow good for you!! The ending is so precious! It brought tears to my eyes...there is NOTHING in the world like holding your baby!! CONGRATS
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you. Our little man was born on July 17th.
Congrats!!!! what a story, enjoy every moment!!!