Lots Of Headachs And Sudden Skin Changes
4 Replies
This is my 4th preganncy and I have never experienced this before.I have had a really bad headach everyday,swelling in my hands,now I have spider veins all broken in my hands,my last checkup my blood pressure was 118/78 which was very high for me.Normally i run 90/70,no higher.My doc said my pressure was fine tho,Im nausiated every day and have a terrible pain in my upper right side under my rib in my stomach to.She asked me if I had my gullbladder and I said yes,then she said see you next time.What do I do?
the swelling in your face accompanied by the raised blood pressure is something to watch out for. even though that is a good pressure it's high for you. i'd say try to find a way to check your blood pressure daily and if it goes up any more, nag your doctor. a lot of stores have blood pressure machines so just watch out for yourself and trust your instinct. you know you better than anyone else. btw when are you due?
jeni...gosh dont mean to worry u but u have all the signs of eclampsia..i would go get that checked out right away...it can become worse very quickly and be life threatening. You might be fine but I wouldn't risk it. Much more common in first pregnancies or if you have had it before but every symptom you have is a sign...
you need to get them to check your urine for protein and take some bloods...
let us know how you get on. Hope everything is ok. Don't mean to worry you, I"m not a doctor...but i;d get it checked out if i were you.
Thankyou for the replys ladys,im not due till January 27th,wich means im almost 26weeks.Im definatly gonna call and try to see the doc on monday.My face and hands are so swelled today,and my head is worse,so is my stomach.I might even call down to the hosp to the doc on call.thankyou again ladys
I went in last night and was checked,its not preeclamsia,but they are watching me for it,It was due to a medicne they gave me.im starting to feel better today,thanks for your replys.