Membrane Sweep-pg121216388820
5 Replies
I am 39w2d pregnant and my doc has offered to perform a membrane sweep today while he checks for any dilation/affacement (1st time being checked due to hospital regulations). I have been undecided whether to consent or not all week long. Df says that I shouldn't because the baby will come when he is good and ready and that we shouldn't intervene. I agree...but there is still the impatient part of me that would like to get this pregnancy over and done with. Now I realize that a membrane sweep only has a 50% success rate, and it will only work if the cervix is ready. But there is still a chance that it could work s I have to think about my decision. What do you think & what would you do? FYI: My 1st baby came "on time" with no intervention.
DDT, if it was offered to me I would actually jump at it. No matter how much I dont want medical intervention it looks like I am going to take it. I am 41 weeks today and to be induced monday but if my doc offers a sweep today I will take it just so I wont have to be induced. It really depends on how you feel about the whole thing. I know I am hating having to wait this long. From what I have heard the other ladies say about it is it hurts and it may take more then once. Good luck on your decision:-)
I would take it... they didn't offer that to me until i was 41+ weeks... and my baby was gainin a lb a week and i gained 8... so honestly... if they sweep and your bodies ready it will happen... if your body isn;t it wont... it's not really speedin up the process its jus starting it off...i made it to 42 weeks before they induced me.... it was hell lol .. good luck
DDT, I was offered the same thing yesterday and I said no. They did it with my dd and nothing happened at all. I've heard it works for some. I'm trying to let this go as natural as possible this time and let nature take it's course. It does feel pretty uncomfortable but it's not THAT bad. I did have lots of cramping and a little bleeding that day/night. I'll be 40 weeks on Monday. I will at least wait till 41 before I do it this time around. Also, you're almost to 40 weeks so you might be on time again - it's only a few days away!
I had it done the in the morning of the 16th of June it was very uncomfortable but brought on regular contractions I was 39 w 5 days I was admitted into the hospital and delivered my baby boy 24 hrs later at 838am - it just depends on how uncomfortable you are.....I had a very favorable cervix though I was like 75% effaced and 3cm when they did it.....I know that makes a difference Good luck!
Hello all and thanks for your replies. I declined the membrane sweep. I am not that uncomfortable yet that I need to rush baby out. If by my next appointment he still hasn't arrived (I will be 40w2d) I will opt for the sweep. I am currently 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. Hopefully he decides to come within the next week!