Baby Toys 12-18 Months

And, She's Off!

Between the ages of 12 and 18 months, your baby will experience some serious growth and developmental changes - and so will you! It is during this period of child development that your baby learns the power of motion, and she's off and running at full speed. Add curiosity to the mobility and you may find yourself longing for just one or two of the days before she found her legs. To say she's active is probably an understatement and it won't matter what she'll do, she'll do it with all her heart and body - playing with toy balls, riding a ride-on toy, swinging or dancing.

I Wonder What Happens When...

Coordination improves during this time of child development and she'll be able to play with the toy sorters much more efficiently. Her ability to build bigger towers with blocks and scribble a masterpiece for you to stick on the fridge will really take off during this period as well. Now that she's mobile, she wants to know things - especially cause and effect things. What happens if I pull this? If I throw my toy ball, will I hit the wall? Because she's developing her memory, repetition is not a concern to her - she'll repeat the action until she is physically tired or bored. Her fine motor skills are improving and she'll begin using eating utensils. Practice makes perfect and at first she'll be clumsy, but with time she'll have it down pat.

Just Like Mommy

Since toddlers like to imitate adults, toddler toys that mimic daily life are excellent baby toys for 12 to 18 month old children. A tool bench or toy kitchen is a great learning toy for this age group. Sets of this nature give your child a chance to do what you do - something they don't seem to tire of. Ride-on vehicles are a popular method of moving around and your toddler may enjoy this more than walking. Most of the ride-on toys for babies 12 to 18 months have a handle at the back for you to push the toy when your little one tires. The handle is a good way to guide the child's ride as well.

Energy to Burn

Climbing toys are almost mandatory. A toddler gym gives your child a safe place to climb, slide, and play, learning how to manage her gross and fine motor skills. Push and pull toys are fun, especially if the toy is a wagon. She can put her dolls, toy balls, building blocks - whatever - into the wagon and pull it around. Pulls toys with a string are charmers for this age, and it's even more fun if it makes noise as it moves. Grocery stores often have mini-shopping baskets especially designed for tiny shoppers. If you have the time and patience, allowing her to use one for a short time in the store will make her one happy little girl.

For The Quiet Moments

For the quieter times, some of the best learning toys for toddlers are sorting and nesting toys. These toys are instrumental in helping babies learn problem solving techniques as they sort, stack, pile up, take down, and reorganize their toys. Picture books are more advanced at this stage, whether soft books or hard covered touch and feel books. Your toddler will be able to identify different things in the books, like animals, household objects, and activities that she takes part in. The books will be HER books, and she'll remind you of that. This might be a good time to start her own library in her room with a shelf especially for her books. That way, she can pick out the book she'd like to read or have you read to her.

It's a very short time in a child's life, but it is crammed full of excitement and experiences. Enjoy.

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