Pressure Is Painful In My Back And Pelvis
2 Replies
A week and a half ago I was dilated to 3cm and 90% effaced. I`m 38 weeks pregnant. For the last couple days I keep getting really strong painful pressure down in my lower back and in my pelvis. It comes and goes though, its strange. But Its been a couple days, but yesterday it hurt really bad! Today its still coming and going. But I dont think its contractions.
This is my first pregnancy.
i will describe what my labor felt like as best i can, since i never knew what to expect... it felt like really really bad cramps like your period only worse...and then a stabbing pain in my bad bad pain, very very uncomfortable... but when it first started it just felt like minor back pain and regular period cramps...they said the back pain was due to my dd being face up, the back of her head was hitting my spine..if this pain comes in waves, whether at a regular pace or not, you may want to go to L&D, since it does sound similar to my contractions.... good luck
Well I know my baby is not face up. Its weird but it stops for a while then continues.. its not close together though, so im not that worried about it being labor yet. Although I HOPE it is.