So Cookie, what will they do for you..like how long do they let you go before inducing? My friend lives in England and they dont really have a due date, instead a due week she said, anyway her due week was around the 2nd of October last year and she was to be induced on the 17th..that is so far from the due date! She ended up doing acupuncture the day before the induction and had him the next day naturally!! I started my acupunture today, not really hoping to bring on labor right now, but to hopefully get my body ready for when it does decide to come, next Saturday she's doing the strong session on me and is pretty confident it will come within 24 hours of having it done!! I hope so, and I hope its a natural birth..again by natural I mean with drugs, but v____ally.
hiya, Tasha, over here they won't induce you until your 12 days past your due date...(so frustrating)...so i'm booked for my induction on thursday...but what sucks is that its at the big hospital 2 1/2 hours away...so I have to go in the day before...and over here they don't allow your dh to stay with you overnight...so dh will have to stay in a hotel..and can only come during visiting hours...(except during active labor)...and then I'm on a ward with other women and their babies...it's so different than what I wanted...and so different from how I had my first...dh is my rock...I wish we had an acupuncturist here..I would love to try that, I have heard great things about that...and reflexology...now my only hope is I go into labor naturally before wednesday...keep your fingers crossed...(I was on my feet for 12 hours yesterday orchastrating the wedding...and still nuttin)...and my in laws flew back to the states without seeing their grandchild...i'm so bummed...
SO my appointment today didnt turn out as I hoped. Baby might be breeched, which means another c-section forsure and since Im 39 weeks it will be very soon, which is the postive! I go for another ultrasound on Wednesday to see forsure. I hope not, I really wanted to try natural...oh everything happens for a reason!! Hows everyone else?? Any new babies?
hiya, tasha keeping fingers crossed that your baby is not breech...still no baby for me, so tomorrow i'm off to Glasgow to the big hospital to be induced...apparantly all these lovely contractions I have been having have done bumcus...still just a fingertip dilated and the baby not any lower...grr....so hopefully next time I write I'll be a mommy of 2...
Oh Cookie, I hope it all goes well for you! At least you know you will have your new little one by Thursday!! That is really exciting..did you guys find out what your having? And I know what you mean about the contractions doing nothing!! Ive been having them for 2 weeks now!! Im not even dialated!! Baby is apparently sooo high up there! Thats I guess the reason she thinks it might be breeech, no pressure to open me up. Im going to the mall today and going to walk, walk, walk the baby out of me..hopefully!!
Cookie, Im really hoping you had your baby!! YOu must of by now! Im waiting here patiently, Due date tomorrow, but I have to go in to check my fluid again cause they were on the low side last wednesday..I dont know why they are waiting a week to check again, like what if it get lower, emergency lower!!! Anyways we'll see tomorrow, I hope its all ok, if its low I think they will admit me right away. Anyway, I hope to read your birth story soon!!