83 Replies
Krissy25 - February 21

Hello ladies, I'm getting a short break while my dh runs and errand, he took our dd with him, so what do i do? Laundry of course. I feel like i always am taking my dd with me to do things so my dh can have time to myself but i don't get the favor returned a whole lot. Well i guess it's not as bad as my boss who's dh decided he's done being a dad and husband and just left them. So it's been a little dramatic in my dh's family, his grandma, who's 98, is dying of cancer. She's going downhill fast, the big problem is that her 6 adult children can't agree on what to do with her or what kind of care she needs, she was supposed to be put on a waiting list for a nursing home when they discovered the cancer 6 months ago but some of the children didn't want that so her she is now losing the ability to even go to the bathroom by herself and there is like no chance of getting her into a nursing home now. So last night my dh got a call from one of his cousins asking him if he could come and help out b/c they are trying to work out a schedule so there is always someone there, well his grandma lives an hour and a half away and he's saving all his vacation for the baby so he really can't take any days and the whole thing is making me mad b/c this should be his mom's and aunts and uncle's problem not the grandchildren. On top of that it's my MIL who watches our dd 3 days a week while i work so i'm worried about how this is all going to work out and who will take care of our dd if she needs to be down there. UGh, sorry for the vent, it's just frusterating. TaraB, I'm sorry to hear about your situation with works, needless to say that really sucks. I think Runner's advice is pretty good, i know i don't have any better advice to offer. I hope it all works out for you. I'm glad to hear the transition for your dd went well too. I was really worried we wouldn't be able to get her to actually stay in her bed but she seems to really like it, I think she was ready for it. Runner, how fun that you had your shower, opening little baby stuff is so much fun, what kind of stuff did you get? I splurged a little yesterday and bought some outfits for the baby, i must say after all the pinks and purples with my dd it's refreshing to have some browns and blues. As for the baby turning, yes there is still time it just becomes less likely as each week pa__ses. It's not the end of the world if i have to have another c-sect, i am hopefull though that i'll still be able to experience a v____al birth. Ok, i started this post around 5:30 pm and it's now 10:44 PM, I got a little side tracked :)


Tara B - February 22

Runners-How fun for you to have your baby shower already. They're a lot of fun. Did you guys play any neat games and what did you get? I'm looking forward to mine. Thank you much on your advice. I didn't know that I could get in contact with a pro bono attourney. I will do that asap. I did call the EEOC today and they said it definitely sounds like discrimination considering I'm the only one (that I know of) they're doing this to. I habe to fill out a form and am requesting someone calls me before I report anything. THey also told me to call the Department of Labor/Wages (DOL) to find out if they can legally reduce my pay for the reasons they gave me. Also, I will doc_ment, doc_ment, doc_ment!!!


dreamy2433 - February 25

Glad everyone is doing well. I see this thread has died down bit. Come chat with ladies due at the same time as you at the pregnancy due date boards at chatterscene dot com


Krissy25 - February 25

Hello ladies, Tara B, how are things going at work? That sucks that you are going through all this stress right before the baby is due. Well i had my appt. today, my doctor mentioned the C word, it's not looking to promising that the baby will turn head down. If he hasn't turned by 36 weeks we're going to go ahead and schedule a c-sect. I'm a little bummed, i was hoping to avoid another c-sect but as long as he is delivered safe and sound that's all i really care about. Things are not looking good for my dh's grandma. I'm not 100% sure what is going on but they don't think she is going to make it another week. My dh is going to try and visit her this weekend, it's ashame b/c we were hoping that she would be able to meet her 23 great grandchild but that seems very unlikely to happen. Well have a great weekend everyone. Talk to you all later.


vsetter - February 26

Krissy -- How far along are you now? I am 34 weeks (tomorrow). My last ultrasound was at 32 weeks and I was told that my daughter is breech. My OB said that since I have already had one baby, there is still a chance a good chance of this one flipping. I think that it has to do with already stretched muscles. However, I really don't want to have a c-section. So I started going to a chiropractor for the Webster Technique. I don't know if you are familiar with it, but it is designed specifically for breech pregnancies. It works with the pelvis and uterian ligaments so that they baby has ample room to flip (they don't bother/push the baby). They say it has good success rates. Does it really work? Who knows. I guess you never know whether the baby would have flipped on its own or if the Webster technique had an influence, but I figured it was worth trying (especially because my insurance covers it). I have an another ultrasound at 36 weeks. We'll see what happens...


Krissy25 - February 27

Hi Vsetter, how's it going? I'll be 34 weeks on Tues. I just can't believe how quickly this has gone, I mean we're really almost there in just a few weeks we could all go at any time. Good luck with the chiropractor, I hope they are able to get your baby to turn if she doesn't do it on her own. I am somewhat familiar with it, i've looked into it before. I think we are just going to see what happens. I have another (and hopefully final) ultrasound at 36 weeks too, they'll check postion and the kidneys one more time. So it's kind of crazy, I'm being invited to all these baby showers for other women. I plan on going, it's just kind of funny b/c i'll be further along than any of them. It seems like everyone i know is having a baby, but i guess it's this age where all your friends are starting (or adding to) their families at the same time.


Tara B - February 28

Hello Krissy25-things at work are the same thing just different day. I did call my regional on Friday and put in a complaint about the manager at the other property telling her employee's my pay cut and my hours being split between the two properties (how embarra__sing). I heard she lied about something, but I don't know the whole story yet. I'm not sure if I want to play hardball with all of this. I have an appt with Fair employment and housing (phone interview) 3/10/2010 1-4pm to talk about if this is legal what they're doing to me. My boss let me and my co-worker go on an open interview Friday. Lol, I'm 8 months pregnant and of course I'm the one that meets with VP of the company. I was just very honest, realized I had nothing to lose and not attatched to any outcome. I told her I was looking in July/August and obviously interested in her company. I think the interview went quite well actually. We will see though. At least I can look back and say I went on one pregnant and all.


Krissy25 - March 3

Hello ladies, how is everyone feeling, honestly i'm beat. I'm getting to the point where i'm ready for this to be over. TaraB how's work going, any new info yet? I hope it all works out for you. Well 2 of my friends gave birth just recently. One yesterday and one today, and another one of my friends, who lives across the street from me, just found out yesteday she is having a girl. So it's been pretty exciting around here. Well i got no other news at this time, Runner how are things with you, haven't heard from you in a while. How is your dh doing?


Tara B - March 11

Hello Everyone! Krissy-work is still the same thing everyday just different day. I had the interview with fair employment on Wednesday and was told they can't do anything on the "what if" factor. I have to wait until they actually cut my pay when I come back from leave to file a complaint and see what can be done. I still need to call an attorney. I called HR and my regional still hasnt talked to HR about my complaint on the other mgr. I had my Baby Shower Sunday. It went pretty good. Had a lot more people show up then anticipated. Only 12 people RSVP'd, but then 25 or so showed up. I have my next DR appt on the 16th to have another ultra sound to see how much he weighs. Does anyone know if they are having an elective C-sec yet? How do you feel about picking the date? I feel like I'm messing with fate when I do that, IDK. I wish I can go into spontansous labor so its like he is picking the date himself and then do a c sec. Had my baby shower


Krissy25 - March 11

Hey ladies how's everyone doing? We've all been so quiet lately. Tara B, I'm sorry to hear about your work situation, sounds like a real pain in the a$$. I'm glad your baby shower went well. Did you get a lot of good stuff? As for me, well i'm not quite sure where to start. It's been a very bad week for me. On Monday i fell trying to catch a train for work. I fell flat on my face and busted my chin up. There was so much blood i though i ripped half my face off. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital. While they were st_tching me up they had a nurse from L&D come down and monitor me. I was contracting for a while but it then seemed to ease up and they were going to let me go home, but then they came back about every 3-4 min. This went on until about 4 am the next day. For a while they were getting very uncomfortable and it looked like the baby would be making an early entrance but i wasn't dialating at all so it was all wait and see. I'm very happy to say they went away and after 2 ultrasounds it was confirmed that the baby was just fine and there was no placental abruption. The bad news is that i broke 9 teeth and of those 3 could not be saved. The 6 they can save have temporary fillings until i can get root ca___ls and crowns put in after the baby comes. I had to have the 3 bad ones extracted today, it was awful and i'm on some pain meds now but i'm still pretty uncomfortable. Once the baby comes i will go back to start the process of having implants put in. It's up to a 6 month process so i have to live with some holes in my mouth for a while. This has been an absolute nightmare, but my dh has been so wonderful and he has really taken care of me through all this and my parents and his have really helped out with taking care of our dd. Also our baby is still breech so we went ahead and scheduled a c-sect. I was hoping to avoid this but honestly after everything i've been through it's hard to imagine going through labor too so i think it all works out. Unless he comes early the sx date is April 7th. So that is pretty exciting and gives me something to look forward to. Well i hope the rest of you are doing better than i am. Let me know how your pregnancies are going and all your baby showers too. It's really getting towards the end here.


Tara B - March 12

Oh Krissy thats aweful 9 teeth!!! I'm glad everything is okay with the baby. You said you fell on your face. Did you land on your belly at all? Sounds like you have a great man to help you through all of this. I fell when I was 27 weeks pregers with Julia. I went to Kaiser then they sent me an ambulance to downtown kaiser not telling me anything. I was totally confused on why I couldnt have Shannon (daddy) drive me. When I get to downtown they told me I was contracting and stayed there for like 8 hours, so I know how scary that must have been for you :( So you did the sceduled C, huh? April 7th is Julias bday, so that's a good day :). I have to let my DR know on the 16th what I want to do. I feel weird messing with fate though. How do you feel about that? Maybe it's just me I know a lot of people think its fun to pick out the day. I was thinking the 10th, which is 2 days before my EDD, so maybe Ill go into spontaneous labor before then.


runnershirl - March 12

hey gals...first, let me apologize for being missing...It's been a busy pregnancy, and last couple months for me. You all know my dept restructured, i thought I was gonna lose my job (which I didn't thankfully) and amidst this, I was a__signed all these new cases (I'm a paralegal) some which are going to trial, and trying to get up to speed on them all, while relocating my office to be integrated with the rest of the firm. Very very busy working 50 hours min per week. Well, last we spoke, I had my shower...it was very nice--thanks for the inquiries and support, but I was pooped after. I was also drained with some of the drama that I heard about amongst friends as I was going..I wish I hadn't heard as it partly took away some of my fun. Then, 2 days later, I got bronchitis. HOnestly, I was out of work for 10 days and on bronchitis ofr 7 of those days and still taking them and dealing with residual cough and snifflies a week later!!! I was worried about being ill and having baby come into world with sick parents and germs. (I'm a bit of a germaphobe as it relates to my baby.) So, back to work this week, and to the OB yesterday (I'm 34w6d today). Oh, how could I forget, before returning to work Mon, I went to hospital with contractions on Monday morning...It was at that point that I started to realize my fear of the labor part. Nurse told me dr. likely wouldn't slow contractions if it continues after week 35. They gave me iv and slowed them and I've had contractions every afternoon in the upright sitting position here at work. I think the belly is restricted! Well, the OB told me yesterday that my fundul height is 44cm yes, that's 44, not 34. I asked him if that would equate to a prego person of 44 weeks, he said yes. I also asked about the weight..he said she's at least 8 to 9 pounds already--my due date isn't til 4/14. I still swear that they miscalculated and our 2nd insemmination took instead of the 3rd, but no one listens to me. ha. If it was the 2nd, our due date would have been 3/15...but, since they're counting the spotting on 7/11 as a cycle, it's officially 4/14. So, they're doing u/s Tues to check for LGA and yet, I wonder if there are health complications for me or her, if she is really that big. And I'm a little irritated taht they didn't say anything at any weigh in about my weight gain (I've gained 45 lbs total), or anything else until now...at 35 weeks. any thoughts? As for my DH, he's starting to come around. Going to the hospital this week really awakened him I think. He put the car seat together today and is being the wonderful man I know he is...when he's not deprssed. So, today I notified work that OB is putting me on bedrest. The weight of baby is affecting my herniated disk in neck, my arthritis in lower back and plantar fascitis in feet. And, to my surprise, my firm threw me a surprise baby shower today. After enjoying my friend shower a little less than I could have, and hearing last week that one friend was upset because they ddn't get enough grat_tude for their hard efforts as opposed to those others who did less (I was equally nice to all of them), I felt deflated and sad...but, this surprise realy took me by surprise and made me feel loved and appreciated by work and the people I work with. Good Lord knows how to balance us and give us the things we need when we're down, right? Now--Krissy--OMG--I'm so sorry to hear about the fall, and scare. You are right..what a bad week! I'm glad DH is being supportive and loving for you. See--sometimes we're lacking in one way, but given thigns to balance it in others (remember my story about DH's depression--you have unfortunate circ_mstance, BUT, you have loving man there to care for you.) April 7th c-sectn, huh? At least you have a target date to look forward too..look at the bright side...at least your fall didn't happen in 1st tri and you'd have to deal with all this until then. :) Tara--I've given thought to pickign a c-section date (in case I have to do that due to her growth) and I'm with you...how can you pick one? I'd probably schedule it out as far as I coudl (Unless I was uncomfy or there was a health reason) and let nature take course. At the same time, medicine is here for a reason, but I don't know what could still need development in her body, so I'd wanna wait. How's everyone else doing? Have a wonderful safe weekend ladies, and just think...spring is around the corner!!!!


Krissy25 - March 13

Hello ladies, well i'm feeling better today. And my chin is starting to look better, it itches which is a good sign. Tara, I'm glad everything worked out for you when you fell. It is scarry, but i'm sure it was even scarrier for you since you were only 27 weeks, that would have been really early to deliver. As for falling on my belly, i'm really not sure, it happened so fast, there were no bruises but it's hard to imagine that i hit my face without hitting my belly too. I had a big coat on so that probably padded me a bit. Runner it sounds like you could go at any time now. I tend to agree that they may be off on the dates. 8-9lbs? Wow, that's a good sized baby. Well if you really are full term now and you have been having contractions it should happen soon, i'll keep my fingers crossed for you. That is nice that your work through you a baby shower. It's always nice to know how apperciated you are. My dh and I are going to a baby shower today for someone else. I wasn't going to go b/c of everything but i'm feeling better so i think i would like to go for at least a little bit. Well have a great week everyone, shouldn't be long before we are posting our birth stories!


Tara B - March 13

Good Morning! Glad to hear from you Runner! I agree with Krissy, sounds like you can go anytime. 44cm, thats pretty big and the baby is 8lbs already, wow! I think your farther along then they originally anticipated, but you right they will not change due dates for some reason. I think Im going to have him the end of this month and that's crazy to think that I'm going to have two children. Krissy-how are you doing with your toddler? Man, mines been acting up and completely ignoring me when I ask her the simplest of stuff. For example, this monring (every morning) I'm trying to get ready for work and ask her to get dressed. She doesn't do it, so I tell her, "ok I guess we're going to Annie's house in your jammies". She says nothing so i figure whatever I don't have time to get her dressed after so much time has pa__sed and I'm also looking for my truck keys. I tell her let's go and she starts saying that she needs to get dressed and she doesn't want to go in her jammies. I tell her to bad lets go you've had enough time to figure this out, and of course she starts crying and having a complete melt down as I'm putting her in the truck. I try to talk to her and she screams in my face with her fists balled up, and not just once but twice as I'm talking. I'm thinking WTF! I'm not prepared for this what do you do. No one showed me how to be a mom of an almost 3 yr old, so Im completely lost. I spank her hand to get her attention and let her know I'm serious. She tries to hit me back. Finally I get her to calm down and listen to what I'm telling her, but it's crazy that we go through all of this first. Most of the time I feel she respects me, but sometimes when I'm trying to ask her things or dicipline her she doesn't seem to respect me and that scares me. I know I'm probably not doing something right. Does anyone have any suggestions on what might work or what you do? I've tried taking things away from her or telling her ok we're are not doing this or that, we've left grocery stores with food in the baskets and yes I have bribed her :( with a new toy, dress, stickers and even a snack. I feel like an aweful mom.


runnershirl - March 13

Tara~ I don't know the answer, but as a new mommy-to-be, am very curious to hear what others suggest. I do know though that our emotions can run rampant at this point and where you may have not let this scenario get to you before, it might be more magnified as you prepare to bring another baby into this world. Just remember that you're right, there is no book on being a mommy, no "right" or "wrong" to many of these little things, much of this behavior is normal (and as I hear), even more normal as they expect to share the spotlight wtih a new baby---many women have raised children in FAR WORSE scenarious with worse parenting skills and the kids were fine--so don't be so hard on yourself. Give yourself a break--you have enough on your back than to feel like you're not being a good mommy. I'm sure you're doing just fine. And if you made a mistake some place down the road, you can correct it later with other discipline or respect earning tasks. right? Krissy~I hope you have a better week hon. you still sound down and I just wanted to pop in and to say that we're almost there ladies...yes, we all feel uncomfy, anxious and ready, but the end is near and we get to firsthand (again for some of you) experience the gift of life...I read a quote once that said, "I'm amazing...I make people." While that may sound arrogant to some, we need to remember and think that right now...It's a true gift and miracle that we can do what we are doing...I personally worked 3 years to conceive and it's hear and almost the end...so, while we're each encountering our own battles throughout..one day we'll look back and think, wow--how amazing and strong we are that we did THIS thru such difficult times! And yes, I'm thinking it's gonna be any moment for me. i think she's dropped and every step feels like she's in my pelvic area. Are you girls feeling that yet? I forget, what are your due dates? Is there a forum for us to jump to after the births or do we just ride this one out? Have a great weekend ladies!!!


Krissy25 - March 13

Tara, I think it's perfectly normal for 2-3 year olds to have a mind of their own. My dd is 2.5 for the most part she is pretty good but there are some things i have trouble getting her to do. I try and focus on what she is good at and i try to carefully pick our battles. For example she is wonderful at taking naps and going to bed at night without any kind of fuss, but we are struggling with potty training. I sit her down in the morning and she usually goes but the rest of the day is a struggle, I'm trying not to push it too hard right now b/c she gets angry and i don't want her to not sit at all. The biggest thing is i try not to get frustrated with her, which can be hard, it only escalates the situation. I'm hoping once this baby comes i'm still able to keep my cool as much as i do now. Don't feel awful, kids are hard, it's their job and your not alone when it comes to toddlers not listening. Runner, sounds like she should be here soon. Did your doctor say anything about her dropping? Or is this a new development? If her head has dropped it should start softening your cervix and dialating it. Has your doctor checked you at all? I think (hope) this week will be better than last, it has to right? I'm going to work on Monday and i'm looking forward to getting back into a normal routine. I'm sure that means my water will break, ha ha. Oh, please no, i need at least 2 more weeks to get everything together.



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