February Mommies YAY

274 Replies
FlyBear - November 4

Okay ladies, I still have a couple more days until I'm actually 27 weeks but who cares... I'm gonna move over, come join me! How is everyone feeling? I'm already starting to get really tired again and I'm swelling at the end of long days. So much to do and only a couple more months to do it!


angelmonkey - November 5

hey flybear!! im 26weeks in 3days!! but what the hell lol!! 3rd trimester here i come lol!! i,ve been feeling really tired recently horrible headaches and feeling a bit sicky but other than that im doing great!! and im moving house in like 2days yey!! so from saturday i may not be on for a while as not sure how long it will take for them to swich the internet to our new house....


Melissa32179 - November 9

Hi ladies....I am 28 weeks and 1 day today. At my last appointment they moved me up from feb 2 to Jan 30th. But I am still saying I am due in Feb. I am feeling huge and uncomfortable. I pa__sed my GD test which is great because I had it last time with DD. Also the baby is measuring in at 2lbs 4 oz...we had an ultra sound last week. She looks so cute. Can't wait to meet her. Got dd (15 months) room almost done so I can focus on getting the nursery back to a nursery. So weird all the things I have to move back in there. Other then that things are good. Just uncomfortable. Have only gained 11 lbs with this one too. So since I lost 12 at the beginning I am almost back to my starting weight. YEAH!!!! Have a good week all.


FlyBear - November 10

Hey Melissa, my original due date was January 30th. They moved it to February 9th when I was about 12weeks. Anyways, I'm just now technically in my 3rd trimester today as it's the start of week 27 for me! YAY. I feel so behind. We had some things come up this month and we've been so broke so I still haven't even bought a crib or anything. I have clothes, diapers, baby tub, some toys, shoes, socks, my friend got me a high chair, bibs, wipes, shampoo, baby wash, baby oil, a thermometer, bottles, anyways, you get the drift... I just don't really have the big stuff yet. I have all the bedding for the crib but that's all. I still need a car seat, crib, and hopefully a lil dresser or something. I feel so behind. I know we still have a couple of months but I feel so pressed because I'm getting bigger by the day and the holidays are coming up and I just keep thinking it's going to go by so fast and I'm going to be so tired. I just wanna get it done and out of the way. I have an appointment Wednesday and I think they'll either send me for GD testing then or schedule it for the next time I'm there and I'm really hoping everything is good with that cause I really don't want to have to deal with that. Melissa, did you have to give yourself insulin injections when you had GD before? I'm terrified of needles. I guess if it were a really slight case that they thought I could control without injections I'd be okay but otherwise I think I'll be pretty devestated. Not to mention I want my lil boy to be okay and healthy and all. I'm plus size though so I know I'm a lil more at risk for it. Other than that though my only complaint is that I'm getting tired and moody again. Honestly I feel like I've been blessed with a very nice, easy pregnancy so far, knock on wood! :)


Melissa32179 - November 10

FlyBear, first don't worry too much about a crib. My babies don't sleep in one until they are about 4 months old. I use the pack and play with the ba__sinet thingy and have it right up against my bed ( I also nurse them) but I rather have them near me when they are that little. Even though we have DD (15mth) room all ready for her, she will still have the use of the crib for a good couple of months after the baby is born if we need too. As for the dreaded GD. I did not have it with my son, then I did get it with my daughter and now I do not have it again. I did NOT have to do injections although I was on my way to having to. We just induced a week earlier then planned. I was on medication and around 36 weeks we( the doctors and I ) could not control my blood sugar with meds and diet any more. The high risk doc ( here you are considered high risk when you have GD and get monitored 3 times a week and also a weekly ultrasound to check fluid levels and size of baby) anyway the HR doc decided it was not work the waiting another week to induce AND make me start inslin so they induced me at 37.5 weeks. Ironically that morning...I WENT INTO LABOR ON MY OWN!!!! I guess dd figured if she was coming out anyway she might as well do it her own style...and that is totally her att_tude too. Good luck with the test. I would think they would do it soon. Usually no later then 28 weeks I thought.


FlyBear - November 11

OMG... I'm an emotional wreck today. I just feel so frustrated and I wanna sit and cry all day. I can't stand being at work today. I have soooo much to do and I feel like I just can't get a day off to do it all. Is anyone else dealing with crazy emotions yet? Honestly, like I said before, the pregnancy itself has been easy other than the emotions and all... I'm crazy right now.... :(


kmoselle - November 13

WooHoo- I am here!!! 26 weeks and 4 days- close enough!!! Flybear- I hear what you are saying. I have been getting tired and emotional lately, too. And I feel like there is so much that needs to be done and no time to do it in. Especially since I am in that "nesting" phase. All's I want to do is clean, clean, clean. But with full time job and full time graduate school I have no time. Especially since I also do the military reserves once a month. That leaves me 3 weekends a month to get what needs to be done- including paying bills, grocery shopping and regular housekeeping. Plus the coming holidays! How can I get EVERYTHING done like I want? I am so thankful that Tuesday was a day off. I cleaned out and sorted my closets and garage. Then I put a whole bunch of stuff on ebay. I wore myself out but at least I got 2 of the 200 tasks done!


FlyBear - November 13

I had an appointment yesterday and it didn't really go as well as I'd hoped it would. First I got there and they couldn't find baby's heartbeat, I mean my belly was covered with the gel and she searched for a good 15 or so mins and couldn't find it and she started getting all nervous and went to get a more experienced nurse, who found it right away. 142 but of course that still had me a lil worried. Then they took my BP twice during the visit and it was high both times... like borderline needing to start some meds.. :( It's not high enough to be preeclampsia yet and I don't have proteine in my urine but still, it makes me nervous that that's where it's heading and then he measured me and said I seemed to be measuring a lil big so he now wants me to come in Monday for an U/S to check on how big the baby is. I'm not measuring huge or anything but I'm an overweight lady and he said he's just having a hard time determining where my fundus is for sure and if I'm measuring a lil big because of the extra weight or cause of the baby and just wants to check to keep up with it. Then of course I have my GD screening that he gave me the form for and just wants me to stop by sometime in the next week and get that done. I'm so frustrated. I just hope everything is alright. I can handle one issue or something if it arises but I dont' wanna end up going from having a healthy pregnancy to being high risk in a couple weeks time. So hopefully we can get some of these concerns knocked out. Hopefully the baby is just the right size and it's just fat that's making me look a lil big. Hopefully my BP was just high cause I was rushed to get there and then they had trouble finding the baby's hb... and next time I go in it'll have dropped back down. Hopefully everything looks perfect with my GD screening... We'll see. I just keep thinking that there are a million women out there facing fertility issues that would trade places with me in a heartbeat, even if I do end up having all these issues. I love the lil guy and I've only gotta keep him healthy and happy in my tummy for about 12 more weeks. Has anyone else experienced having pregnancy induced high blood pressure?


IsabellasMommy - November 13

Hi ladies!!! It's been so long since I've checked up on each of you. I wanted to say congrats to you ladies...again. I am not sure if you remember me, but I had a m/c back in July...with twins. Well...I found out this morning that I'm pregnant again!!!!!! I'm so excited. ~*~Flybear~*~ With my first pregnancy I had high blood pressure, because of the pg. The day that I had her, my bp was 150/100...and the doc did a c-section (my daughter was breech). It should go back down by your next appointment. I haven't had the chance to read all of the posts and I'm not sure if you ladies are having boys or girls, but congrats to you all again!


kmoselle - November 13

Flybear- I often have the same problem where the doc can't find heartbeat. Usually happens every other visit. I am slightly overweight and that is probably the reason. But they always find it on the ultrasound- and I know the baby must have a h/b because he is always moving around or kicking. I go for my next appt monday. I have the GD test that morning. They say I am high risk, too, because I am overweight. Hopefully everything is ok with that test and the check-up. Like you, I am measuring big, too. At 20 weeks my uterus measured 24 weeks per the taping, but the u/s showed that the baby was measuring right on track. I guess I just have a big basketball belly! Probably why everyone keeps asking me if I am having twins!


kmoselle - November 13

Congratulations IsabellasMommy! I am so happy for you!


FlyBear - November 13

Isabellas!!!! YAY... I'm so excited for you! How far along are you? I really hope my BP goes down cause I really wanna try for a v____al birth and work up until I pretty much pop and I'm sure if my bp gets out of control that that won't go as I hope. Kmo... I just have a hard time believing he's big. I think that maybe my measurements are just off because I'm overweight cause the entire pregnancy he's been perfectly on track. They actually moved my dd back because he was a lil small in the beginning. And everyone in my family is pretty much overweight an no one's ever had a baby over 8lbs that I know of. And on top of that I've lost 12lbs in this pregnancy so far. I've been trying to make healthier choices cause I know I dont' really need to gain any weight and I'm really trying to avoid having a lot of sweets so I don't end up with GD. I know a lot of times none of these things mean anything and I could end up with GD and a big baby anyways, but my dr is impressed with how well I'm doing with my weight and says he does think it will help cut back on the chances of having any weight related pregnancy issues. I'm just really hoping.


angelmonkey - November 14

hey girls i am now 27 weeks!! have just moved house!! which went great just have the upstaires to decorate including babies room! i have a midwife appointment onm monday to have my blood taken to check for anti bodies as im refus negative and then anti D injection next tuesday.............flybear afetr i had my fall my blood pressure was high its was probably just the stress good luck though congrats isalbella i vagualy remember you being on here at the begening!! good luck with your pregnancy lots of baby dust! hows everyone doing??


aaaaaaaaaa - November 15

Hi girls. I'm technically not in the third trimester just yet but thats okay. Hope you are all doing well. Ive been scarce lately - I think I posted on the other thread that I ended up having to have abdominal surgery a few weeks ago despite the pregnancy... now I have a raging infection there, so things have been pretty insane. Baby still appears to be okay, although Ive had some bleeding episodes. I'm scared though - going to weekly visits with my OB at this point and I'm pretty sure next week he's gonna toss me in the hospital, but we'll see... I hope not!


reems - November 17

Good Day Everyone!! We are 29 weeks and 2 days and well the lst couple of days I don't want be pregnant any more. For the most part I am lucky to not have had any sickness or anything throughout my pregnancy.We just can't wait to see what our little one looks like, and what it is. I am off one of my jobs already so I am trying to rest as much as possible but I get bored really easy. We have the upstairs ready to go pretty much but I REALLY want to get the bas____nt done before the baby comes. Lately the baby has been really active and is sitting low so that makes bending over and get off the couch a little challenging. If anyone has any advice on anything for sinus colds or any cool, unique things for the babies room please I welcome the info!! Take care and all the best from Canada!!!


breezieb - November 17

Hi ladies!! I dont have internet except on my phone and for some reason it wont let me login.... but I can read up on how everyones doing. I just wanted to say hi while I have the chance. I will be 27 weeks on sat. I have been ridiculously dizzy and having migranes!!! I have low iron and low blood pressure. So I have been havin a c___ppy time!! I am tryin to find another job and of course no one wants to hire a big prego women!!! But on a happy note my 3 and 5 year old are finaly able to interact with their lil brother in my belly!!! I am about to go do my GD test now so I will check in again when I can.


FlyBear - November 17

I'm 28 weeks today and as I said before, my Dr made me go in for an u/s because I've been measuring a lil big. Everything looks good though. He's about 2 1/2lbs which the u/s technician said is just about right for 28weeks. They couldn't confirm gender again because he's still in some weird diagonal breach position with his legs pulled up and crossed but I'm a__suming he's still a lil boy! :) Also, YAY... my BP was back down to normal and they think it was just because I was so stressed and in a big hurry last time. I also went and took my 1hr GTT so I'm hoping that everything comes back normal. I'll know in a couple days... I'll be back to update you! :)



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