140 Replies
ceecee, I totally know what you are talking about with the hips! I feel it too and especially this past week. I am 37 weeks today :) Now I feel like I am really in the home stretch since I am considered full term now. I only see the dr. two more times...next week and the week after! WOW!
How exciting! The home stretch....I am 36 weeks so I'm hoping that she comes in 3 weeks instead of 4 or 5.
i know its friday but i think this has been the longest week ever!! where is everyone???
ceecee im with you with the hips and all my back cracks all the time.. plus i have "back contraction" n it hurts even more
We need a new thread, this one is taking forever to load! STEF, I'm so jelaous of you going back to sleep...I can never do that, especially here lately with my mind racing like crazy. Congrats on the progress! So I wonder who will be the first to go??? Whatever happened to Kendra? I had an ultrasound today!!! It's still a boy AND he weighs about 6 lbs. 3 oz, which the tech said was 53 percentile (sp?) for 36 weeks. It was 100 degrees here today, ugh, drenched in sweat just from getting in the car. CEECEE, we probably haven't talked before, but I was going to let you know that my pubic bone region is KILLING me, I can not move or turn at night without it hurting so freakin' bad. It's like I have a cracked bone.