140 Replies
Samantha - I think babies usually drop around 36 weeks or later .....I carried very well this time around only had minor heartburn I do get winded pretty often but not too too bad but I did notice that people started noticing and commenting on how I had dropped once I started sitting on my yoga ball so there might be something to that ......they yoga b___s are about 15.00 at walmart just for the ball they have ones they sell with videos and such but you don't really need those if you just want it for relief.....Hope that helps
STEF - I can't wait to hear all about your appointment tomorow I am excited for you! I bet you will be surprised at your progress and even if you aren't where you are hoping that's good news for poor poor patient Jessie...LOL .....tomorrow night is going to be the luckiest night of his life....LOLOL
Agh, I can't sleep...Tina where are you? LOL! It's almost 5am here, but I've been up since about 4 or 4:30. I hope I don't keep waking earlier and earlier. Jessie HAS to use the d__n fan because he likes the noise and the wind b__wing on him. I absolutely hate the thing because I have these allergies, or congestion or whatever it is so I can hardly breathe by early morning. He can be the biggest baby sometimes because he just won't give it up. I told him I don't want that fan b__wing on the baby when she is in our room as her ba__sinet is to the left of me on my side of the bed. Oh well, had to b___h for a second. I'd just start getting ready for the day and for my mom to come, but it's hard to do when it's still dark out for some reason. Ava's moving around right now which is rea__suring becuase yesterday I got a little freaked out (surprise surprise) late in the afternoon. I was cleaning but nothing too strenuous and I was bending a lot wiping down some shelves down low. All of a sudden it felt like a pulled muscle on the right lower/under side of my belly. It hurt like hell, but mainly if I took a deep breath or bent over--then it seemed to spread a bit, but was constant (not like a contraction or anything). I even called the nurse but she never called back. I was terrified of it being a placental abruption or something. BUT, I went to go eat dinner and it just suddenly disappeared. No pain when I bent or anything. WEIRD! I will ask the doc today, but I'm sure she'll say "normal". I'd love to get a scan too, but she didn't even mention it last week and I figure IF i get one it will be next week at 38 weeks so she can a__sess me for induction or something. Who knows? Well, I have rambled a lot so I'll try to get back to sleep or something. Hope you all are doing well!!! It's Friday!!! :) weeeheeeeeee
Ugh, I've been up since 5:30 a.m. and of course no more sleep for me :( I have my ultrasound today, I'm so excited to find out what he weighs, I'm exactly 36 weeks today. STEF, I feel for you, lol. The fan situation sucks, but I must tell you that the fan has been the best thing for us ever since our daughter was born 2.5 years ago and would wake up at every little sound, including us turning in bed, so I turned on the fan -- and from then on we have all been sleeping well (she still sleeps in bed with us). I know this second baby will be used to sounds and sleeping through them...well, the poor guy will just have to get used to that. Tina, my name is Elena (E-lay-nuh), I know you probably thought it was Sasha, lol. So much for dropping when you are in labor, right? I was so exctied, but my man is definitely down there, because I've been free of heart burn for two days, thank God.
STEF - that's what the heck I think when I wake up and its' a ghost town....LOLOL......I think as far as sleep at night goes it's going to be hit or miss from here on out.....I actually slept great but I had a weird weird pain like you did and omg it hurt like hell it didn't last long but it was when I was trying to roll over ....I have never done that before good grief it sure hurt! STEF - I am the one who needs the fan no matter what - I wasn't always that way it seems just since this pregnancy......and I agree with Elena although you may not want it b__wing on the baby it will be perfectly safe - my doc has always told me a rule of thumb is if it's comfortable for you it is comfortable for baby plus the air won't really be b__wing on the baby the sides of the ba__sinet will shield her with my last son we had a ceiling fan and he got the air right on him but it was June and hot as heck just like it will be this month plus the evap cooler will run 24/7 it's going to be a hot one today and as soon as Cor does whatever it is he thinks he needs to do to the cooler I plan on blaring it full blast - it makes it really really cool downstairs and eventually it will cool off upstairs enough for us to sleep if not we will crank on the A/C -ELENA - I did think so at first and then I was like uh yeah no she's Sasha's mama duh! that's why I thought I better ask her name....and I agree with you about the noise and the baby ladies a word to all of you - the faster your baby learns to sleep thru the phone ringing, vacuuming, other noises the happier you both will be - please please please don't listen to anyone who tells you to make the house quiet for the baby sleep - you will have a baby who won't nap for long during the day and wake up at every little noise at night.....both of my boys sleep like rocks and it's great! they have even slept thru minor earthquakes.....just like their dad...LOL....ok now for my BIG BIG NEWS!!!!! Mom is coming Sunday on a commercial flight! WOO HOO the bummer is my dad isn't coming and he called me already to see if I would be upset and I tried to as nicely tell him that while it won't be the same without him here I understand because after the baby is born he'll be ready to go back and be rushing my mom - so instead her and Pastor Silvia are coming instead Pastor Silvia has a daughter she left behind here when she left about 2 years ago so she can visit with her - it's going to be great! I can't wait....I can relax she will be here in 2 days! Instead of possibly 5 - I am totally relaxed now.....the only bummer is because they are trying to get here so quickly the cheapest flight is into Vegas and that's 2 hrs away but I am sure I can make the round trip - I will be a little sore after we get home but I don't care I am so ready for my mom to be here....LOLOL......
Hi Elena, I finally went back to sleep for like 2 hours--don't know HOW i did that, lol :) I'm going to ask the dr. today if she can tell if I've dropped more. Last week she said I'd dropped a bit. I never had heartburn and carried low from the start so it's been hard for me to tell. Everyone and their dog tells me I've dropped though and I always have to laugh because I'm like "wouldn't I know?" ha ha....guess not? Well, I'm going to shower and start gettting ready...
TINA, that's awesome that your mom is coming so soon! I'm procrastinating this morning and it's just been ick so far...my mom called and of course doesn't want to drive in the rain, but she will probably still come. I'm kind of nervous though because it could get worse and I really need her to come today to help with some things I can 't do and to get me to my dr. appt. Ahhhhhh...i'd love to just go back to bed right now and try to start over.
STEF - I know exactly how you feel that was me 2 days ago - I woke up from a 2 hour nap and felt like I could just stay asleep - so today I have to get dressed soon and run around with Marcy all day I am glad I am kind of tired of being around the house except now that my mom is coimng i have to really get the house ship shape...LOL...so I will be busy once I get home
Good morning ladies... Well i have been sleeping pretty good. Still wake up to pee a few times but go right back to sleep. the pillow in between my legs and me kinda cuddling with a pillow upward seems to help me... So i have my baby shower this weekend. i hope all goes well :)
Go to piczo i put Lia's crib pic and a pic of me and my new nephew and a new belly pic :-)
JULIA - the baby is so cute and the crib with the bedding is so girly! ok girls i am out the door I'll check in later
YAY Girls! I'm 1cm dilated and 70% effaced. I know she said 1cm, but I am like 90% sure on the effaced part. She said I'm definitely thinning out and she got some blood on her gloves when she checked so I have a pad on now and some brown spotting but she said that would happen for about 24 hours. I'm progressing though!!! :)
How is everyone today? Avoiding Friday the 13th? Has anyone experienced their pubic bone/cartiledge popping or cracking when they move a certain way or get up? Also am I the only one who's hips feel like a barbie's that you could just pop off at any minute? I mean I don't want to be a complainer, but dang! These last four weeks (3 if I'm lucky) are a killer to my back, hips, and pubic region.
Congrats Stef! What great news. It's progress and that's what matters. How far along are you now?
ceecee, I totally know what you are talking about with the hips! I feel it too and especially this past week. I am 37 weeks today :) Now I feel like I am really in the home stretch since I am considered full term now. I only see the dr. two more times...next week and the week after! WOW!