MAY Babies Are Here

49 Replies
hiperact13 - April 24

andysforever I think you should do what is comfortable for you! If you are showing signs that your body is ready for labor and delivery I would 100% have the partner induce you. 38 weeks is considered term so your son should be fine!! I am inducing at 38 4/7 (which is THURSDAY) yikes and did so with my son also! He was 7 pounds 12 ounces and plenty ready! Good luck with your decision! Mommylove2 and anglemarkie ME TOO start and stop contractions are driving me crazy plus my right side of my uterus really gets harder than my left? Any clue what that means? False labor sucks because these contractions can last several minutes and be just as darn painful with no cervical changes!! So ready is all I have to say!!! Good luck


angelmarkie - April 25

well, its been a crazy week here. I developed severe itching and went in for a blood test on Monday to test for a pregnancy induced liver condition called Cholestasis. Still no results as it is a highly specialized test. We do know that my liver enzymes are elevated. This condition can be harmful to the baby, so there has been a lot of emotional stress this week. If it turns out that I have the condition, the answer is to get the baby out. My doctor cannot induce me prior to 39 weeks without a severe medical reason and since we don't have these results, there is no significant reason. Anyway, I've been itching like crazy and the doctor has agreed to induce me on Tuesday, which is my official 39 week mark. If we get the results in on Monday for this test and it turns out that I do indeed have the condition, then tomorrow it will be! Still have contractions on and off and in fact when I had a Non-stress test on Thursday, the monitor showed contractions every 5 minutes apart again. I have not had a change in my cervix since last week either! Still at nearly 3 cm, 50% effaced, with baby in -1 station. Seems so weird that I haven't progressed beyond that! I am still working and will actually go to work on Monday, the day before I give birth. I am praying that the baby and delivery will be fine. I am taking 12 weeks off of work with this child; I only took 6 weeks off with the other two, but I am in a lot better position financially this time around. Plus, this is definitely my last baby as my body really seems to not be cut out for pregnancy! I'm getting too old too! LOL How long is everyone else taking off of work? Well, I'll be posting baby stats soon enough! Good luck Hyperact with your induction too!


Shannon85 - April 26

Hi I hope everyone is doing well... im sorry to hear about that angelmarkie my friend who is only 32 weeks is being tested for the same condition I really hope everything turns out great for you and your little one. I just stopped working last week and here in canada we get able to get 1 year off paid leave after having a baby well atleast where I am from in canada which is vancouver bc they are pretty good to us mothers atleast in that aspect.


KatieKat - April 28

Well ladies sorry it's been a while. I'm right about 36 weeks. I had my ob check me on Monday. His head is stationed at a -2. I am 50% effaced and dilated to a 1. The doctor thinks that he will be here in another 2-3 weeks. I sure hope so. I am exhausted, swollen and I hurt all over. Still working, so I'm hanging in there. I am praying my water won't break at work! Hopefully I'll be really lucky. My doctor says she doesn't want to put me on bed rest so close to the end of my pregnancy. She said if I went into labor now they'd just give me some iv meds to try to stop it but nothing drastic. If he ended up coming some time this week he'd be okay. Last week at my sono he was weighing 5 pounds. They gave me my paper work to take to the hospital when I am ready to deliver. I decided I was curious to see what everything read. So I started thumbing through it all. I found the notes from the last visit with the perinatoligist (his kindneys still haven't quite cleared up but are getting much better. So they're only a little dilated)and I noticed there was a section on his measurements that they didn't cover. When I went in I was almost 3 weeks along. His head was measuring at 37.9 weeks then. I was like man! That explains all this pelvic discomfort and why it hurts to walk etc. He's got a ma__sive head! My baby shower is Saturday so I guess anytime after that I will be okay. I just want enough time to get what's left and get it all ready. I packed the majority of my hospital bag today. Just in case, so I'm almost ready to go. I keep hearing that lots of mothers go into labor on the full moon. Like the hospitals get an influx of women in labor for some reason. I'm curious to see if that's true. Tonight's the full moon and the next one is supposed to be on May 27th. So I guess we'll see. Having contractions, digestive drama and just being plain ol crabby. I can't wait to hold my little guy. Congrats to the mama's that have already had their bundles of joy. I am so happy for you!!! Here's labor dust to the rest of us! ;)


angelmarkie - April 29

Hi All. I just wanted to let everyone know that, "IT'S A BOY!" Roman Merritt was born on Monday, 4/26/10 at 9:54 p.m. He weighed 6lbs. 15 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. I developed cholestastis and had to be induced. I recieved the results of the bloodwork on Monday at noon and was having my water broke at 1:00 that afternoon. There were no complications...yeah! Roman is very, very loved and his big sisters can't get enough of him! Good luck to the rest of you; you're time is right around the corner! I'm just working on getting some Zzzzz's. Mr. Roman doesn't like to sleep at night!


Mari26me - April 30

Congrats Angelmarkie!!!!!!!! So happy for you and your family. I am 36 weeks today, and can hardly wait for our little guy to get here. :) I will be induced in the next 3-4 weeks, if I do not go into labour before on my own. I hope everyone else is doing well and good luck. :)


Floricica - May 1

I'm having a c-section on may 20th! So excited!!!


KatieKat - May 3

Congrats Angelmarkie!! So happy for you! My doctor says in the next week or two she's almost positive he'll be here. I am now 80% effaced and dilated to a 2 1/2! His head is stationed at a negative 1. I am not sleeping and his head pressed down so hard this weekend I got new hemmorhoids. :( Just from laying down. That doesn't even seem like it should even be possible. They said if he's not here by then, then they will induce me on the 20th of May. But she highly doubts it will be that long. I made it through my baby shower, and what we didn't get we bought over the weekend or ordered on the internet. So hopefully by the time he is here everything will have arrived. Keep you posted. Easy labor dust to Marime 26. Floricia we may end up having our babies the same day! :)


mommylove2 - May 4

Congratulations, Angelmarkie! Glad to hear the induction went well and he arrived safely. My little girl is still comfortably inside. This is our third, and it is the longest I've been pregnant! I'm just 3 days shy of my due date, and I'm wondering if she is going to come at all! lol :) I've had some good contractions, but labor has not stuck around yet! We're all anxious for her arrival! Hope to be updating soon!


hiperact13 - May 5

Congrats Angelmarkie!!! My daughter Allison was born on the 29th because my amazing dr induced me!!! My epidurals did not work they tried 3 times!!! But they gave me a spial before the third and I had a crazy reaction to fentanyl!!! my labor went fast from a 5 to delivering her in the bed within 45 minutes!!I did not even know she was out they went to check me because she was not reading on the monitor and pulled back the sheet and her head and shoulders were out!!! She was 7 pounds 5 ounces and 20 inches long!! And she does not sleep at night either!! Good luck to every one in this waiting game!!!


angelmarkie - May 6

Congratulations hyperact on your baby girl! Despite the sleepness nights, these are the days, aren't they? :) mommylove-this baby was my third and longest in-utero too! I thought he would be my biggest baby due to that, but he wasn't. We'll be looking for an update from you! Thanks everyone for your well wishes!


army_wife1201 - May 7

hello ladies, just curious, did any of you happen to give birth to an insanely large baby? because i was told to go into an ultrasound and while i was told the test is not completely accurate, my child is guessed to be over 9 1/2 pounds already and i am only 37 1/2 weeks right now! my pubic bone is feeling crushed, i cant get into my own bathtub, and i am taking care of my ten month old while my husband is overseas all by myself. i guess i could just really use support!


KatieKat - May 8

Army Mom- I didn't personally but there was this girl I've worked with at another branch in my job who got pregnant like 6 weeks ahead of me with her first baby. It was a boy and it their estimate was something like 8 pounds at 38 weeks. She ended up with a 1o pound 10 ounce baby!


mommylove2 - May 8

Hey Ladies! Looks like my baby may be arriving today! i've still got a while to go, but my contractions are fluctuating between 6- 9 minutes apart for the last few hours. Just when I think they have settled at 6 minutes apart, the next two are 8 minutes apart!


mommylove2 - May 10

She's here! Ariella Faith was born May 8, just minutes before midnight! Labor went well; it was my longest labor yet! Things progressed more slowly this time, until my water broke! I was probably only about a 5/6 when my water broke while walking down the hall at the birthing center. A few contractions later, I felt my body bearing down, pushing the baby. She was born within the hour! Great delivery--no tearing! Highly recommend the hands and knees position! We came home a few hours later and the family has enjoyed getting to know our newest addition! :)


angelmarkie - May 11

Congrats Mommylove!



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