November Mommies Are There Any
61 Replies
I see all these posts about Sept moms, oct moms, dec. moms but I havent came across any Nov moms!!!
I am due in November....November 12th, my third baby! We dont know the gender.....
Hello, I haven't been on here in ages but I'm due 28 November with my third. We've been told it's a girl but don't care ieither way.
i'm due in november also! they've said girl twice, but she was only guessing because she couldn't see that well so we're going to have another u/s later today (i can't sleep lol) and hopefully she'll show us her little parts. i'm due (according to the doctor) on the 28th of november, but the baby has been measuring like she'll be due closer to the 17th and that's the date i'm going with. who knows though!
hello, i'm also due in November, I'm due a boy on the 7th. This is my second baby. i also have a 7 year old girl
Im also due in November. November 15th. Im having a girl. This is our first baby. We are thrilled. It seems these last weeks are dragging. Im so anxious to meet her.
oh tell me about the weeks dragging. i have 5 weeks and 1 day left, getting really nervous about the birth now. i just want it to be over and done with now.
Im due Nov. 10th and i feel so unprepared! Its my 1st and we dont know the gender ether but im sure its going to be a kick boxer!
Hi, I also haven't been on here in ages...well, since DH and I were TTC. But I'm due Nov. 8th. We've also been told a little girl and we had this confirmed with a 3D ultrasound...which was super cool!LOL! As for the weeks dragging by...YUPPERS, they sure are...and as for the kicking boxing baby, uh yeah totally, either that or a punter for the Minnesota Vikings (I have to say that cuz my hubby loves 'em and we're in MN). I went in to the Dr. today and discovered I'm 1cm dialated, but I guess that really doesn't mean anything, considering she hasn't dropped yet and I'm 0% ephased (sp?). But I've been having a lot of the braxton hicks, no pain, just a lot of tightening and pressure and last night a bit of cramping like menstral cramps. Anyone else having anything like that?
tonigirl: i have but i have no idea when my doctor will start checking me.
Teddy...When I went in I made sure to let my doc know that I had been having cramping a lot of the BH contractions in an hour, so she decided it would be best to check me out. I'm still on 2 week visits, I won't go in again until the 17th, she said by then she hopes to see me at 3cm dialated and 50% I've got some work to get done before I go in next!LOL! When will you go in again? You can always just ask her/him to check you if you think something might be happening.
oh here it is! i guess because i only get 3 bh in an hour at once, max, she hasn't checked yet. i suppose next time i can ask when she'll start checking.
hey Teddy...I tried to respond to you the other day but for some reason the site wouldn't let me on. So, you're due on the 28th huh? But possibly sooner? So, how much are they estimating your little one weighs right now? They said my little girl is about 4.8-4.12lbs right now...but at the visit 2 weeks prior to that they said she was at 4lbs or so. Aren't they supposed to gain a 1/2 pound a week? I was just wondering because I am dialating (even if it's only a bit) and I'm thinking about the possibility of going early. Not to mention today I felt like I was leaking or i went to the bathroom to find a gunky bit of mucus on my underwear and then when I wiped I noticed a redish tinge (TMI...sorry) but it made me think that maybe my cervix is thinning out...I don't this point every little thing makes me wonder. I just want to be as prepared as I can be and her room still needs organizing and we havne't even gotten her car seat yet! I know, I know...we should be more prepared, but it seems like this is all just going so fast now! Anyone out there feel like that?????
Tonigirl - your not the only one that isn't prepared yet but either way i'm sure we'll all cope when the babies actually arrive. i haven't been checked to see if i'm dilated or anything like that, i'm in the UK and i don't think they actually check until your in labour and at the hospital. i've also had quite a lot of braxton hicks but none for the last week or so
Hey ladies, I havent been on here in a while but I am also due on the 7th of Nov.. and the weeks are dragging by. I was reading all of your posts about your BH and have been having them so bad I had to go to the hospital with them being 1 min apart.. I just turned 35 weeks on thursday so the doctors were freaking me out making me think i was in labor. I still havent dropped very much and the only time i have been checked to see if I was dialated was when i went to the hospital. But i am still 0% dialate and 0% effaced.. I feel like i am going to be preg forever...
But now I am having this wierd sharp pain in the behind every once in a while. Does anyone else get this or know what it is?
Hi TraceyC and Faiesh...I know it seems like now that we only have a few weeks to go, that the days seem to be dragging...yet going about at the speed of is that possible!?!?LOL! So, Faiesh, were you having painful BH contractions? I've had them really close together like that but they've never felt painful. They feel really stinkin' tight, so tight it almost takes my breath away, but no pain. And is the lower back or b___t pain possibly sciatic nerve pain? I've been having that. It makes it hard to walk at times, it hurts so bad. It just feels like there's not room in there anymore..and everything is getting compressed together and most everything feels uncomfortable. And're right...we will cope once our little bundle finally arrives...even if we aren't totally ready. We'll figure it out...somehow :-) I can't wait to hear when some of you have actually gone into labor...the real thing and have your little ones in your arms. I suppose it's realistic that some of us will go in October instead of November, especially those of us that have due dates within that first week of Nov.
faiesh - yeah your due the same date as me, do you know what your having? can't help you on feeling a sharp pain in the behind but last week i had a pressure pain in that area that felt like a bubble pressing down (if that makes any sense). it only lasted for about an hour and i've not had it since.
Tonigirl - i know its quite scary to think that some of us could actuallly have our babies this month, but i am really don't want an October baby, there is no one in my entire family with a birthdate in November so i'd like to be the one that fills that month, (and now i've said that i will probably give birth in October lol)
TaceyC...yeah...I totally understand where you're coming from with the not wanting to have your baby in October thing. I feel the SAME WAY. There aren't any November babies in my family as well and I so want for my little girl to have the month to least for now. My husband and brother in-law have birthdays in October and my mother and father in law have their anniversary. So, I don't want to have to plan her birthday parties around their birthdays and anniversaries...not the DH would have a problem with being bumped out of the way, but still...November would just be easier. Not to mention the closer we get to the end of the month the closer I am to having her ON their days...Oct20, Oct21, and Oct 26th are those "special" days and being that I'm due Nov 8th, there's more of a chance I'll deliver ON one of those days...ugh! But I guess what's important is a happy, healthy little girl.