The Healing Process After Birth
10 Replies
h__lo ladies, im 32 weeks and im still very scared about the big day.... i was wondering if someone can please tell me how long it took for them to heal fully, i also want to know if it hurt when you use the bathroom after, if it hurt to walk, and for how long........ i want to know about both c-section and va___al delivery. thank you in advance
I had v____al deliveries with both our children, and tore both times. With our daughter I had two 2nd degree tears, and with our son I had only one. With our daughter it took a good 6 weeks before I really felt comfortable. Ofcourse you are swollen, and there is an achey heavy feeling in your crotch, especially in the first three weeks or so, then it is only when you have done too much or been on your feet too long. With our son, who just turned 4 months, the recovery was a bit easier. I was only really incomfortable for about three weeks total. Vicodin and Ibuprophen will be your best friends after the baby comes. Can't tell you what to expect with a C-section. I just know that some women have a much easier time than others. Congratulations in advance.
I have had two children and am 33 weeks pregnant now. With my first I tore really really bad and I hurt for about 6 weeks but with my son I never tore. I felt really good after I had him. I am hoping for the same kind of delivery as I had with my son. Good luck.
did it hurt to pee after that..... thanks in advance
I had a long hard delivery with my first dd. I pushed for over 2 hours and they had to use the vaccuum to get her out. I was extremely sore afterward. I was all bruises and swollen and had a second degree tear. I was probably about 4-6 beofre I felt better. Walking didnt really hurt that much after the first few days but peeing burned like hell. They give you this squirt bottle that you fill with warm water and squirt on yourself while peeing, that really helps take the sting out of it. They also give you pad filled with ice that you can wear at the hospital, they help with the swelling. I dont know about c sections but Im an having one tomorrow with my second dd and I am TERRIFIED of how painful the recovery will be.
Not to scare you... But my first delivery was awful afterwords, I Sometimes think worse then actual labor. But then again my Baby was 9lbs 4oz delivered v____ally. For me it took 2 weeks before I could walk without Peeing on myself.. how gross is that? but i had 0 control down there afterwards.. My poor husband had 2 diapers to change.. I was swollen beyond belief also.
Fully recovered was 6 weeks. started feeling somewhat normal 4 weeks afterwards
It never hurt when I would pee, but, the hospital give me a lidocaine spray to use to numb the area before and after. Maybe it just worked really well. Ask for a can after you deliver if they don't have it there for you already. You will do fine, we all get through it.
Hi Crystal! I have experienced both a v____al & c-section. I had my son 9yrs. ago v____ally w/ no pain meds. I wanted to go as natural as possible & yes it hurt like hell, but was worth the experience. Healing took at least 6 weeks, maybe more. I did not tear, but had an episiotomy. I was very sore down there for a while & it took a long time to resume normal activity & s_xual activity that was painfree & enjoyable. I just had my daughter 6 weeks ago today by c-section & have already resumed all normal activities & feel great, even resumed having s_x at 5 weeks. I prefer a v____al delivery, but the c-section recovery was much better than v____al. Of course everyones experiences are different, just as every birth is. If you're interested I posted my daughters entire birth story under the third trimester board under the thread gianna bella's birth story- you have to scroll down a little bit to get to it though. Good luck! If you have any other ?'s I'm more than willing to share anything I know, or have experienced.
I had 3 v____al deliveries. With ds #1 he was 9lbs 10z and I pushed for 4 hours. I had an episiotomy and was good by 3 weeks. With ds #2, he was 7lbs 14oz and I was great by day 3. He was born on Monday and I was out a big family party on Saturday feeling great and I tore that time. With ds #3 he was 9lbs 4oz and by week 2 I was fine. Of course I didn't have a choice with 3 kids to take care of. I think the more you move the faster you heal. It did sting to pee for the first couple of times but as the other ladies said use your squirt bottle and take 3-4 sitz baths per day for the 1st week. Our hospital gives you a bath thing to sit on the toilet and then you can take it home and it feels great. I don't know about a C-section because I never had one. Good luck and I'll tell you what my mom told me as I was freaking out over labour- It is 1-2 days of your lives and when the baby comes the bad pain is over. Oh yeah the epidural is great!
I had a v____al delivery 4 months ago. Unfortunately, I was in labour for 61 hours - I think the contractions were the worst part for me. I only had to push for 33 minutes, had a 2nd degree tear. Honstly, the minute my daughters head was out i was pain seriously pain free, no more pain at all after that. I didn't understand why the nurses were trying to give me pain killers every 4 hours while I was in the hospital!! I couldn't even feel my st_tches! I think I was one of the lucky ones but ya no pain. Although, I did bleed for 5 weeks after. But I was released from the hospital 24 hours after I had my daugher and I honestly felt 100% normal the minute her head was out. Good Luck!
does walking alot actually work? does it help strech things out abit for the big day