the baby moves around alot & sometimes its like repetive like so much it looks like my stomach is vibrating... what is this & what is he doing?
Could be hiccups which go on forever, or just plain baby aerobics or apparently sometimes they root around like crazy when they lose the thumb they were happily sucking. Either way, it's all good! I'm, 39 weeks, head 3/5 engaged and he's still doing a serious workout multiple times a day! I'm told it's all good. x
Could be the hiccups. I'm 35 wks and my little guy get's the hiccups about once a day and it's repetative moments... usually about 2-3 seconds apart and yes, it looks like the belly is vibrating (not to mention it feels funny and uncomfy at times) I was at an appt last week and I mentioned to the Doc this little guy hurts me so much sometimes I feel like crying! His movements are so defined. The doc chuckled a bit and said there is nothing we can do! As long as he kicks (whether it hurts or not) at least he's moving! Oh well... just a few more weeks to go : ) Good luck! btw, are you Italian? Bellisima?
thanks to both of you!.. im 32 weeks & he always has hiccups atleast once every day, but i wasnt sure cause i know what hiccups feel like & it was just weird.. & yes im half italian =)