19 Months Old And Teeth Brushing

5 Replies
jodie - June 30

So my son loves to brush his teeth...which is great, but he won't let me help anymore. He obviously is to young to do a good enough job himself, but he pitches a complete fit and won't let me help. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make him let me help?? I just want to get in there and scrub scrub scrub!!! Any tricks???


Erin1979 - June 30

Get him to brush your teeth, and then you brush his. (this also works with stuffed animals sometimes too. Makes them feel in control of "someone".) Good luck!


surewinwilliams - June 30

My 20 mo old is the same, and my best friend also happens to be a dentist! She just told me to let her brush once a day and then I brush for her once a day. To make it easier for me to brush for her, I have her "read" me her favorite book which sounds funny to her (toothbrush in mouth)and occupies her hands. Good luck!


chickiepoo9 - July 2

my son went through this but thankfully it was just a short stage when he found out he could do it i just let him have his toothbrush whenever he wanted it all day and then at night i would do it, it took a bit but now i he doesnt have much interest anymore i brush and then i give it to him and he finishes up! i think it is just something new and cool for a bit


cubbie - July 2

I asked me dentist about this as my older dd would just take the toothbrush and suck it then ask for more - he said it really doesn't matter at that age what they do with the toothbrush, the important thing is getting them into the habbit of using a toothbrush in the morning and evening.


socalmom - July 3

If your son is into characters (Diego,Superman) use this to your advantage, my dd is into Dora so I let her brush then I say Dora it's me..."boots" let me help you brush so we can go on an adventure....while she is letting me brush I sing the abc song so she knows when I will be done! This seems to work with her....she is 3 1/2. So it maybe something to try. My dd also has her first dental appt. this Thursday so we will see how well my efforts have been working!! Good Luck!



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