Cyndi G

2 Replies
sahmof3 - July 1

Thanks for writing what you did on Topaz's post. I was sort of afraid to write my post because I knew I'd probably come off as defending her dh... because I DO think he's really wrong to shut the door on her dd!! It's just that I'd hate to see him not get on proper meds or find something else to help him if he really can't help himself. To tell the truth I never believed a person could really be paralyzed by depression (thought they were just being immature or overly dramatic) until I had it so severely with Nathan... now I guess I just wonder when I hear stories like that if it's something he can help or not. Then again... I did manage to do what needed to be done with Nathan despite the PPD... but I suspect that if I'd have had someone who was willing to take over and take responsibility (ie: a wife lol) I'd have just let them... which is what men are more likely to have the option of (or think they do), KWIM?


sahmof3 - July 1

Ha... I had to write your name for my post's t_tle in such a weird way, because when I just wrote CyndiG it kept saying "duplicate entries not allowed". Good to know that some things never change on PI LOL!!


CyndiG - July 1

I know exactly what you mean. That's what I'm talking about, The part where you said that you managed to get done what needed to be done. Sometimes we just have to pull up our boot straps and do the job. No matter how bad we don't want to. I saw where you had your baby neice visiting! How fun!!! I still have your email on my list of emails, I haven't forgot to answer, I just haven't had time!! I'll make time though. :O}



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