When To Start Time Outs

2 Replies
angeev - September 16

Hello-My son is almost 2 adn is very well behaved, but he is a toddler and has been acting up--having trouble controlling those urges to hit the cat or pull my hair, throw his plate on the floor. We have started time-outs but I am not so sure he is able to understand connecting the time-out as punishment for THAT certain behavior. He will sit there until we say he may get up and he is happy to get up, usually gives me a hug. Thoughts?


Justine1 - September 21

I think its fine to use time outs at 2 - I used them with my DS at that age (in the corner) and still do occasionally now. I'ld normally say "No we don't do x" to him when I see him thinking about doing something or an arm about to move. If he stops I'ld then say good boy but if he went on to do x I'ld say Mummy told you not do do x and you still did it so you're going in the corner/a timeout. If I see he's still hesitsating about whether to do the naughty thing or not I say do you want to go in the corner/timeout? Normally he says no and stops the behaviour. I found with my DS at that age putting him in the corner for a minute (which is similar to a timeout) was very effective at stopping any naughty behaviour. I think it is important to explain to them calmly but firmly what they are being put in time-out for - they generally do understand. Sometimes I also find I have to keep saying No until he gets that I really mean No. He's now 2.5 and almost never does any of the above. I'ld say never but I might be tempting fate! Good luck.


Tara B - September 26

angeev-I think 2 is a good age. I started my daughter a little earlier, but I do a minute per age. So he's 2 then he sits in a time out for 2 minutes. First i give her several warnings, and then I tell her, "Julia, we don't hit the cats. Thats hurts them and they might scratch you now you. Now you need to sit in a time out." Then before she gets up I have a little talk with her and I have to kneel down to her level so I am eye to eye with her and ask her, "Do you know why mommy put you in a time out?" She'll either say, "I don't know" and I tell her she does know and ask her again. She'll tell me the reason and I tell her again why we don't hit cats, or anyone at the matter. She'll say ok. Now they're only 2 (I have to remind myself all the time of that) and will more then likely do it again. Time out is usually away from everone else also.



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