Not Eating Pg1247436044

1 Replies
plumcake - July 12

hi guys, My dd is almost 18 months and for the past 1 week she is not at all eating any food ,homem made basically as know she does not like baby foos,nor she likes to drink milk , she just wnat to snack something tht also not a lot also ,i donot really know what to do plz help!!!


Floricica - July 29

Hey, Kids have ups and downs with eating. One week they wont eat much at all and then the next they eat. It's very hard with toddlers. My son is a very picky eater. Basically you need to find what the child really likes. I always cooked different dinners and lunches for my son. I was very crazy about health. But of course, my son didnt want health food. Try buying a gronola cerial that has fruit in it. They taste really sweet and they are not bad for the child. That could make a good breakfast. My son loves it and eats it in the mornings. Another thing which caught his attention was bread without crust and one of those square peices of cheese in the middle. Very simple. Just let the lil one walk around with the cheese bread. They like to do everything for themselves to.



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