When To Move Out Of Crib

21 Replies
Wellis10 - June 19

I am so happy to see this...I was going to post the same question. I am pregnant with my second and my lo will be 16 months when the new baby arrives. I like the idea of buying a ba__sinet to put the new baby in until my oldest is ready for a toddler bed. I didn't even think of that.....(how stupid can I be, Heehee) Anyhow thats for the idea and the great responds.


skylite - June 21

I actually bought my son a bed when he was 1 1/2, he loved it... I just bought the side railings and layed with him the first couple of nights and put in a movie...He loves his bed...For me I don't think that was too early at all! GL :)


tryingx3 - June 21

I have a friend whose 2nd child (both boys) is now 20 months old, she just commented that with her first she had him in a toddler bed at 18 months and how there is NO WAY she would feel comfortable doing that with the 2nd one. I guess it does depend on the child...


sahmof3 - June 21

I could have sworn I answered this post... but I don't see it. Oh well... Nathan was about a month away from 3 when we moved him. We moved him right away when I found out I was pregnant again so he wouldn't think the baby stole his crib. He never tried wandering the house like I was afraid of, but man, he did not transition well! He hates change and never takes new things well at all, which is why we waited so long in the first place! He eventually came to terms with no longer being in the crib, but refused his bed and slept in a sleeping bag for months... which from several threads I've read on sites about autism I guess this type of thing is pretty common in kids w/ Asperger's, but, then again, my best friend's son doesn't have it and he did the same thing LOL... All I know is that it made me VERY gun-shy when it came time for Leah to transition... but she started trying to climb out of her crib at 22 months and we moved her to her big girl bed (which was the queen-sized bed in her room because her room used to be our guest room) with cushions on the floor around her bed. She decided she DID want to wander the house and was always going into her brothers' rooms and ours and waking the whole house up! Grrr! She had always slept with her door shut (because she was too curious about what was going on outside her room and wouldn't go to sleep otherwise) so just putting a gate in her doorway didn't work, so we finally oput a doorknob cover on the inside of her door for a few weeks until she was gave up on trying to get out and then there was finally peace again :-) My youngest seriously needs to get into his toddler bed. He's going to be 2 on July 7th. He never tried to climb out, but he's tall and could fall over the rail. We need to bracket his dresser to the wall, though, before we put him in his toddler bed!


mommabear - July 5

My 18 month old daughter learned how to jump out of her crib last month, and needless to say, we had to move her to a toddler bed the next day. It was a rough start (for us) because she kept us up all night, but she just loved that she was out of the crib. See, we didn't want to close her bedroom door ( it felt too cruel), so she would just get out of bed anytime she wanted and go to our room. After all of us being tired for a couple of weeks, we had no choice but to close her bedroom door ....and it worked! She would stand by the door crying for a minute, then give up cause she's so tired, climb into bed, and then go to sleep. When she wakes up in the middle of the night she would get up, check if the door is open (and its not), then go back to bed. Pretty soon I know she'll give up checking and just sleep through the night. I could not have done this without our video monitor though--that thing is heaven sent! because even with the door closed we could see her and know that she's safe an sleeping, or just crying by the door and not because she hurt herself somehow in her room.


cae - July 6

I didnt plan to move Ethan(17months) to a toddler bed until he was 2, but the past couple of weeks hes learned how to whip is chubby leg over the rail. He isnt strong yet to pull himself out, but from the looks of it, it wont be long.



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