I gave birth to sleeping twins!! I know it will be easy to fall pregnant again but i really want twins! I was expecting two so would really like them! They were Id and i was wondering if any one has any ideas!
I'm very sorry about your loss. Unfortunately, ID twins are not hereditary and you have the same chance of anyone else to conceive ID twins again which is 1 in 250. May I ask what happened and how far along you were?
So sorry for your loss that must have been horrible!!! You actually gave birth at 17 weeks? If the twins in YOUR side of the family are fraternal then there is a possibility you have the "twinning" gene and you could drop multiple eggs at once. Your partners side doesnt have anything to do with YOU having twins. All that would do would be pa__s the twinning gene onto any daughters you may have (a__suming the twins on his side are fraternal) so it all depends on the TYPE of twins. Identicals can happen to anyone (1 in 250 as samehere said) but fraternals are a result of the mother dropping multiple eggs and that relys on genetics - although it can just pop up out of nowhere. We dont know of twins anywhere in my family yet 2 years ago my aunty gave birth to fraternal twins and i conceived twins 4 months ago (not sure if they are frat or id but they have separate placentas so theres a good chance they are frat) Good luck and i hope you get your twins.....
Yes and they were perfect in every way! Had a little funeral it was very peacefull!! Im waiting for my 6 week check which im hoping shows they were fraternal but we will see!! I just really want to! I know its a little selfish!
You said in your OP that they were ID which means identical. Now they are testing to see if they are fraternal so I'm a bit confused. It is normal to want what you have lost. I lost twins before. The first twin I lost at 11 weeks to VTS which is extremely common in twin pregnancies and the surviving twin (girl) I lost at 36 weeks to an umbilical cord accident. So, when I got pregnant again, I wanted another girl but not twins. Instead I got twin boys and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I now know that even if I had another girl, it wouldn't fill the hole in my heart. Nor would it ease the pain. What you are feeling is very normal in the beginning phase of a loss. If you do find out that they are fraternal, your chance doubles for conceiving twins again. I concieved my twins naturally. I have been pregnant 4 times and 2 of the pregnancies were with twins. I hope whatever happens, you find peace and happiness and hear the pitter-patter of little feet very soon.
The only way that they can conclusivly tell you if you have id or non id twins is to genteically test them! This is usaully taken from the placenta! To be honest i think that what you say is right i would be a nervous wreck if had them again! Im just clutching at straws! could i ask how long after you started ttc or concieved? sorry to ask x
gennlouise - You have a high chance of conceiving twins naturally. Once you have conceived twins your chances are much higher. Also as you are a twin and twins run in your family this also increases the chances. Try drinking rasberry leaf tea as this is supposed to help. Good Luck and baby dust to you~ Mel
Oh gosh im so scared now! Mine arent perfect - they are a bit small! I dont know what id do if i lost them!!!! Heres just a curiosity question (you dont have to answer) when you give birth to "sleeping twins" do you get a birth certificate or are they basically disregarded as far as their lives are concerned? I just know the law is really messed up when it comes to the acknowledgement of unborn children and children before a certain stage of pregnancy.
No you dont get a birth certificate but i had a funeral in the same plac my dps grampy is! But as far as a birth certificate goes its only a piece of paper! I spent hours with them and nobody can tell me they didnt exist! They were absolute angels! 24 weeks and then you get a certificate but like i say they are no more your babies with or with out one!! I would do any thing to have them back!!!!
You don't get a birth certificate in all states. It's only mandated in certain states but I can't tell you which ones they are. I lived in colorado when our daughter was still born at 38 weeks and they refused to give us one. So we had a funeral and got a certificate of death. So the state acknowledged that I delivered her but not alive. There are people trying to change the laws right now, but not so far in Colorado. No birth cert only a death cert. Sorry.
thats horrible. Im in Australia - i dont know what our laws are on it. I swear the law can be so .... i dunno - wrong!
kate87 - I too am from Australia and have never heard of such a cruel and cold thing. Should someone responsible for the birth certificates ever go through what you women have gone through I think that they would rethink the system. Again so horrible. Good Luck and Baby Dust to you all! Mel