Fetal Movement Decrease What Is Normal
3 Replies
Me again. I am now 30 weeks with twins and I have just begun to feel a slight decrease in fetal movement. Not necessarily so much in the quant_ty, but they are much softer then before. I know with my singleton pregnancies I began to feel the decrease at about 36 week. I just wanted to know from twin moms or people past my stage, when did they start to feel a decrease in movement with their twins? I do intend to mention it to my doctor, but I don't want to seem like the unnecessary alarmist.
around 30 weeks is when i started to feel more moving and squirming than hard kicks. if thats what you mean by less movement, its normal, theyre running ouuta space. but if you feel something is wrong dont hesitate to ring your doc.
ditto. After 30 weeks I began seeing them squirm and shift from the outside but also noticed a decrease in the hard kicks and punches.
i'm 31 weeks and i've just started noticing a difference in movement. not really less of it just it's softer and more squirmy than kicking.