HCG Levels-pg116604783625
2 Replies
I don't have much experience at looking at HCG levels. Can anyone help me decipher? Give me an opinion or something? My LMP was 10/25, however the ONLY day that 'the deed' took place was 11/13- which confuses the dates (but not a ton).
I had a quant test 12/8, which put me at 44 days since LMP and 25 days since concep. The result was 77,630.
On 12/11 (but earlier in the day, so less than 72 hours) the next quant was 47 days since LMP and 28 after concep- the result was 93,050.
The PA who ordered these hasn't talked to me- as she's out of town, however doesn't do OB. So, my primary care physician doesn't 'use' these results & says they don't matter. I have an US scheduled in a week. I'm 40 *ugh*, have other kids & no twin hx.
I'm gonna go out on a limb herem but i think that's super high. I know a lady that didn't even have 10,000 at 8 weeks pregnant. I think that is really high....good luck!
To start with high HCG levels are not really a good predictor of multiples. The only sure fire wayt to tell is by u/s. As I'm sure you know, viable heartrates can be seen/heard at around 7wks gestation. That being said...there is a much higher risk of natural multiples after 35 as you are more prone to ovulate multiple eggs/cycle. Seeing as you do have other children & are 40, your chances are increased although not set in stone. Let us know what happens at your u/s. Here's wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy....single or multiple!