Hi- I was tested today to confirm I have a baby on the way. The doc's office called and said my level was 3400. For 16 dpo this is high and they told me I may be carring twins. If so, how soon will I know for sure? Will I know with my first ultrasound? PS This is a natural pregnancy not fertility drugs were used.
I have 14 week old twins and at 17 dpo, my hcg was 2880. Very possible. Congrats on your pregnancy. OH, we found out at our first u/s at 8 weeks.
Thank Melissa. My dh and I would be tickled with twins. I'm just worried about trying to nurse both. I exclusively nursed my dd now 5 for 9 months and was planning on nursing this one for a full year. With the possiblity of twins, I'm afraid I won't be able too. Lots of baby dust to you. I hope your pregnancy is going smoothly.
My twins are 14 weeks old and I am still b___stfeeding them. It is possible... difficult, but possible. Good luck to you!!!!!
Maybe your ovulation date is off? My hCG at 13 dpo was 101, at 20dpo was 5,432, and at 23dpo was 12,019. I had a scan at 23dpo b/c I'm a fertility patient. I researched the hell out of hCG levels before my scan, and my levels fell on both singleton and multiples charts. There really is no way of basing the # of babies on hCG alone, and only a scan can tell you for sure. Mine, for example, showed 2 sacs but one is real small and not likely to make it. So 2 sacs were seen as early as 5w 1d. I go back in at 6w 1d and there may be no sign of a second sac (or it may have caught up)! So you can see sacs very early on, and see the heartbeats around 5.5-6.5 weeks. Good luck!
Hi Ladies - My hcg is a whopping 24,000 and I am only 6 days past af date. I have confirmed twin gestational sacks via u/s because the high hcg was freaking out the docs. They are wondering is we we will see triplets next week at the next u/s!
Yes, vanishing twins happens like 80% of the time so we are not getting our hopes up but it sure would be nice! We did see the sacks but well, it's that waiting game now.
Thanks Melissa for your boost of confidence with nursing twins. Trish- I have been charting for close to 2 years, since I have difficulty conceiving. 2 years with my first dd. 13 months with a mc in April of 04 and over 9 months ttc this one. So I am very sure of my ovulation date. I'm getting an ultrasound done on Monday the 16th. I'm anxious to find out how many are in there. My abdomin is growing, but it may be more due to constipation than the baby (s). In a way I am hoping for twins, I heard a high hcg level may mean down's syndrom or molar pregnancy. Since I am 34 I am some what concerned it may be down's syndrom. I am not feeling extreme pregnancy symptoms, which suggest only one. I am not overly tired, or sick I only have a sore chest and bloating. I'll let every one know what goes on with the ultrasound on Monday. Lots of luck to all.