Hello. I am about 16 weeks pregnant and I can detect the babies heartbeat with my home doppler on both the left and right side of my stomach. Am I being paranoid? Or, could it be twins? Has anyone else every 'self-diagnosed' before the doctor detected twins?
youre probably not. Havent you had an ultrasound by now?
No, not yet. I am not scheduled until 19 weeks.
Sure it's possible. Have your nurse/dr check with their doppler at your next appt and see what they say.
you're sure it's not your own heartbeat you're hearing.....
Are the two heart rates different? It's possible to hear one baby from either side -- but if you are hearing 2 different rates(over 120, otherwise it's probably your heartbeat) -- then it's probably twins.
it is very common to hear more than one hb. The amniotic fluid will "carry' the sound so that you hear a hb in more than one place. Unless you use two dopplers at the same time it probably isn't twins. YOu also can pick up the placenta and umbicical cord pulse not to mention your blood flow from the arteries that feed the uterus.
I have now been to the doctor and was told that they were unsure, so I have to wait 2 more weeks until my ultrasound. I'll be 20 weeks by then.......