Hi Krissy *HUGE hugs to you*!! I've certainly missed you on the boards and threads. I know you had to take a break, but I'm so very excited to see you back :) Give us all an update darlin'!!!
I saw another thread where you asked me to give you an update, so I figured the best place to put it is on your very own thread ;)
Tomorrow I will be 12 weeks along. I've had 2 u/s's so far, one at about 6 weeks and one at about 8 weeks. The last u/s showed a living breathing baby with a fantastic heart rate of 166 :) We are so very excited. My next appointment is on the 28th. I'll probably have another u/s then.
We've also listened to the baby's heart beat with my doppler at home. You should see our little guy holding on to my arm saying "you ok mommy??"...he's a trip! He will pull up my shirt and grab the doppler and turn it on. He's truly a riot!!!
We believe this one is a girl, but no officail word yet,lol!
I'm not sure if you were still here when I had our m/c's of the twins. One month apart we lost them. One at about 9 weeks then the other at about 12-13 weeks. We were devastated to say the least. But, we are now pregnant and finally with a healthy little baby. We could not ask for anything else :)
Please update us. We have all missed you terribly, but understood your reasons for taking a step back for a bit. Happily, you're joining us again!
Love, hugs and baby dust to you my friend :)
Also wanted to add...cause duh, I forgot,lol! I took the clomid this time on CD2-6 and 100mg/day instead of 50mg/day on CD3-7 like the first two times.
I also put my last u/s pic in my profile. It was taken on 04/30/09 and it was done on my abdomen, not transv____al this time.
Love and hugs darlin'!!
LindaS - I really hate this I just spent a lot of time emailing you for it not to send to you. Anyway I wanted to say congratulation and I am sorry about the m/c I was in just a blur Mar/Apr that I don't really know what was going on. Anyway I am back to ttcing and I will keep you updated. I am not taking any meds this cycle well except folic acid that my doctor prescribe to me. I did go to the $ store and I brought 5 opk test and I am also taking my temps again. I started using the opk on Sunday (5/24) cd 10 it was neg and yesterday it was neg again but today cd 12 it was pos now I have 2 left should I take them as well? I have also been bding and here it is so far cd 1, 6, 8, 10-12. Also I was wondering for your clomid did you take it prescribe or unprescribe? Do you have any left over? I have to vent for just a minute one of the ladies on one of the boards not real sure at this time but anyway back in March before I got sick she posted and said she is currently pg and she have a bunch of clomid left over so I reply and I told her I would like them she ask for my private email and we exchange email information and she kept saying I am going to put them in mail for you well needless to say I am still waiting and I have tried emailing her to see what happened my thing is this if you changed your mind that is okay with me just let me know but now she will not even respond to me. Well I will talk to yo tomorrow. Rub your belly and take care. Krissy68
I'm sorry your email got lost the first time Krissy :( *HUGE hugs*!
Yes, I would use your other OPKs as well, at least one in the evening or morning after the first positive, just so you'll know if it's getting lighter or darker. However, I'd count your O as being 8- 36 hours after your first positive. So, in other words, don't stop BDing my friend. They say 12-36 hours till O is typical, but I would not solely count on that as mine was different. Sometimes we all have differences,KWIM? Better to continue BDing than to be afraid you may have missed your opportunity.
I think your sessions have been right on target, but continue, as you never know right when your egg will actually release ;)
I remember your conversation with someone here, though I don't recall who it was either concerning the clomid and personal emails back and forth between you. How awful that she won't even reply to an email :( I'm so sorry that has happened to you. It's not nice at all playing on someone's emotions, and HORRIBLE when they are TTC and having IF issues :( I'm so sorry that this has happened to you my friend.
I took it u/p. I have 9 50mg pills left darlin'. I ordered mine from Mexico...and they are obviously the real deal ;) Are you in the US? I can't recall. If you'd like, I'll leave my junk email here and then I'll email you from my regular one if you'll send me something *hugs*! stay and work at home (at) gmail (dot) com. No spaces or underscores, just all together on the words.
Thank you for your kind thoughts and congrats Krissy, I do appreciate you. My next appointment is tomorrow, and I'm excited. I can't wait to see your BFP Krissy. We should be going through some of this together :)
Don't ever let anyone tell you to "just be happy with what you've got already", as they know nothing of what you have,need, and want! It's rough going through 2nd IF(or 3rd/4th/5th,etc). It's all a hard road to travel, no matter what our journey is nor what our miracles bring/have brought us.
Love and hugs!
Linda - I just emailed you let me know if you got it. I stay in the States where do you live? I can't wait for your update from the dr visit. Thank you for your kind words. Also I took another opk today and it was positive as well and my temp went up some so now fertility friend is saying I should ovulate between cd 12-15 and I will continue to bd away. I am not telling my honey I think he thinks that I have gave up. FAT CHANCE!!!! Talk to you soon. I hope you got the email. Krissy68
Linda - I replied to you on another group but I have emailed you and I'm not real sure if you received it or not so I am going to give you my email address. kris dot neely at march dot af dot mil. I hope to hear from you soon. Also even if I don't post on the board you can always reach me at the email address. I have been emailing some of the other girls that way it is so much better for me to me it seem a little more personal. Krissy68
May I join in this conversation? I wouldn't ask but I've noticed that Krissy and I seem to be in many of the ame forums (or, perhaps Krissy's a social b___terfly like I am?) hehe..Most importantly, it seems we have many of the same concerns, inquiries, etc. (And, potentially the same cycle). Posting on this "twins" forum tells me we are hoping for the same goals. So, rather than ask this to just anyone, I wanted to ask you two...how can you guarantee to get twins? What I mean is, the dr found 2 or 3 follicles, but does that definately mean there will be 2 or 3 eggs? my sister had twins and told me that she had doubled up on her clomid to ensure she'd have twins...but, I'm afriad to do anything not prescribed. I did Femara for a few days, then gonal F for 5 or 6 days as prescribed adn now tonight Ovidrel...so, if I don't conceive this month, would you suggest doubling up on the femara next time? I'm sorry to intrude, but feel like you two ladies are on the same track as I.
I wish you good luck and babydust Krissy! Linda, it's nice to get hte expertise of someoen who has gone thru it. *wahoo*. Last night was the first time my DH said he wouldn't mind having twins... :)
runnershirl - Welcome to the group. I think your chances are good for having twins since you are taking injectables. I would like to have twins as well since this will be my last pregnancey because I will be 41 on Wednesday. Good Luck to you. As for me nothing is really going on with me. I am just hanging out on cd 15. Have a nice weekend. Krissy68
Happy Birthday Krissy...I'll be 39 in November, too...I know how it is to finally want to expand this part of your life. Have a good weekend.
runnershirl - Thank you for the early birthday wish. How are you feeling? I guess we are in the 2ww together. Talk to you soon. Krissy68