I have bought my 50mg of clomid and it arrived this morning. I was just wondering how many other clomid users had the pill and it has
On it,
It's a white pill.
KiraLeigh - I am so happy that your clomid has shown up. I believe it only come pill form and mines have always been white. What days will you be taking your? Good Luck to you and keep us posted. Krissy68
Thanks hun, I will be taking it on CD 3-7
I am having my coil taken out in a couple of weeks, and have the doctors on Monday to have some tests.
I am so excited! Baby dust to you hun.
KiraLeigh - Keep me posted. I have taken it on them days as well. I am currently in the dreaded 2ww 3dpo and I can test on Oct 29. If I get AF then I am to call my doctor so I can have a HSG done so I can see what is going on with my tubes. Krissy68
My doc prescribed clomid 10/1 for 5 days.
This was my CD5-CD6. I got a HCG shot on 10/10.
This is my first clomid dosage.() On 2 dpo I can feel sore nipples. Today is its 5 dpo. same sore nipples. my estrogen is 250 and FSH is 3.37 ↑ waiting.. and counting days
Well Ladies, just an update. I had my coil removed yesterday which means I will be allowed to start when I get aunt flow!