I wonder when people ovulate while on clomid. I have noticed people ovulate on different days. People keep telling me not to use OPK's since I have not received a + yet! so i thought we could start a poll, listing what day we ovulate, how many mg we're on, and what days we took it. also, we can list if we use opks. thanks
100mg, cd 3-7, ovulate on day 14 *i think*
stopped taking OPKs
100mg days 1-5 O'd CD 17-18
50mg, CD 3-7 and ovulated on CD 11
50mg cd5-9 ovulate CD14. I don't use OPK's they are unreliable. well at least that is my experience.
50mg. cd 5-9 ovulated cd14 + OPK. UTOPIA, you've probably already read some of the others posts. Most say that you can O later on clomid than usual. I just happen to ovulate the exact day an ovulation calendar told me I should. I read on one of the other post that you could O into your 20t'h day. So for anyone out there that doesn't o right away hang in there you may be in for a surprise.
50mg days 1-4, 100mg on day 5. O'd per clearblue monitor on CD 14-15.