Pregnancy Lt Br Gt Tests-pg51

1 Replies
Lauren - September 24

My husband and I both had this strong feeling that we were having twins, even before we took a home pregnancy test. We just felt it. A few days after we told our parents, my mother said that she had a feeling that I was pregnant with twins and then my sister said something the end of last week. We went to our first doctors appt and had an ultrasound to try and get a due date. The ultrasound showed only one baby and one heartbeat. I am 7 weeks. Is it possible that the ultrasound is incorrect and possibly that one twin could be behind the other? Twins are all over both of our families. My husband is convinced that the ultrasound is wrong and I have a feeling it is too.


MHaggit - September 26

Hi, I'm Miss.....I was 7 weeks pregnant when I knew I was pregnant and went in to my OB-GYN. I told him that I felt I might be further along than I originally thought. He did a pelvic exam and said that I felt like I was more like 12 weeks pregnant. He ordered an ultra sound and the tech said, "You know you have two in there, right?" Talk about a shocker!!!! :)- Fraternal twins run in my family and if they also run in your maternal side, it's still a possibility. Good Luck! :)- Miss



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