| JD - September 21 |
i just need some advice on what i sould do i am 7w2d preg with triplets and i already have a 2.5 year old and am thinking about selective reduction and i dont really know what to do im only 23 yrs old and dont plan on having anymore babys but its just a big thing to think about if anyone could help with advice i would love that
Keep the children you feel you could care for, without help from the state. If it were me, I'd reduce to 2. My goal is to have happy, healthy children, and fact is, the more babies in there, more complications they could have. HOWEVER, that is something that would need to be done ASAP, as if you wait much longer.... well, that is an actual living, feeling baby then.. not just an embryo. I can totally see why you would choose to keep all 3, but I feel that if I had more then 2, each child would suffer to some degree... my time and attention would have to split so much more.... But that is just me. Good Luck with this! Peace with your decision.
I've read a lot about this on-line -- it seems that reducing from 3 to 2 doesn't have any significant benefits...plus, there is always a risk you could lose all the babies. Try -- www.tripletconnection.com -- there are a lot of people there who have faced this decision.
how special! I'm 24 and had to have an abortion last year because of problems with the pregnancy. But to be pregnant with triplets is such a blessing! I still regret having the abortion today and it's hard to live with that. You're young and you're healthy. In the long run, you won't regret your family. Just some advice from someone who now wants to be a young mom. good luck with your decision and congrats on your preganancy.
| me - September 22 |
have them and place them for adoption, but do what u thinks best
| HH - September 22 |
Aw, JD. Please think about this! I think, in your shoes (i can't really know, I realize that) I wouldn't be able to look at the baby/babies i gave birth to without thinking of the other(s)- I just think that would be really difficult. Are you married? Do you have help? I'm so sorry this has happened at a time when it would be such a huge burden for you. Good luck to you.
Were you on fertility mediacation?
| JD - September 23 |
yes i was on fertility drugs this was my third cycle first misscarrage second one missed ovulation and this one worked a charmthis cycle made 2 follicles of which 1 was mature and that split into 3 then was fertiazied in the tube then all implanted but im abit worried as one has a weak heart rate
I will try not to interject my personal feelings about abortion into this. Since the fate of one of your babies is already in question (the low heart rate) perhaps you should wait to see what nature plans to do with this pregnancy.
Congrats on your pregnancy first of all! Triplets can be overwhelming to think about. I am pro-choice and feel it is up to the mother to decide on abortion or selective reduction. I am not in your situation, but if I were I know I would be thinking about the same thing and wondering what I should do. But, like one of the previous posts says...I dont know that I can care for 1 or 2 children knowing that I purposely reduced the pregnancy and what would have been. That would be just too overwhelming for me. I personally believe that you are never given what you can't handle. Do you have a good friend and family support system? Because that will be extrememly important if you decide to keep the baby(ies). Good luck in your decision!
So, you had 1 egg split into 3? WOW! Identical triplets are a very rare and special occurance. Are they all in 1 sac or different? Because I dont think you can selectively reduce if they are in 1 sac. Since you are having triplets you will probably see a high risk dr. and I'm sure they see this situation quite commonly, so I would just talk to your dr. and learn more about the choices you have. Congrats again! :)
JD, hope you don't mind me asking, what what type of fertility problem do you have that made your doc prescribe meds? What meds were you on?
| Eva - September 26 |
Before making your decision, consider the very real likelilhood that you could regret it for the rest of your life.