I accidently posted my question as a reply to a previous question. I am new at this...=) anyway the questions is: I have hopes that I am having twins. I do not go to the OB for 6 more weeks! My symptoms are much different from my first pregnancy. I have had severe fatigue, overly emotional and HORRID all day nausea. I did a home urine preg test 5 days before my expected period and got a positive result. i had my blood drawn to confirm. The HcG results were 630. indicating i was 4 weeks, that was accurate comapred to my LMP. 2 weeks later I have my levels checked again and it is 104,979, much higher than expected for 6 weeks. My mom had twins. My OB is out of town and I am not scheduled to see her until April 3 as she does not schedule appointments prior to 12 weeks. should i ask to be seen sooner? or find a new OB?