Twins Possibly

1 Replies
Rhonda - August 4

I am 10wks pg and just for my first prenantal visit at 9wks and4-5days.When the nurse practioner felt my stomach she said"well your uterus is way up here"not far from my navel.And when she did the internal exam she said i am measuring between 12-16wks and wanted to give me a u/s the same day i was there,but the lady who dose the u/s had already left for lunch.So i go monday for a u/s.My mom is a franternal twin.5yrs ago when i was pregnant they found two sacs but i dont know if there was a baby in both b/c i m/c.Im not noticeing any weight gain,but i have had all day sickness,i cant eat much b/c i throw up.And someone i know told me they dreamed i had triplets.I know exactlly when my last af was so im further along then what i think.If it's not twins then im really scared about what could be going on.I do have other children so maybe my uterus just went into pregnant mode real quick.What do you think?


pinkrox87 - August 5

i would probably go with your uterus is in mommy-mode already... but you never know because fraternal twins run down the mothers side... so you may have just have two in there. let us know the results on monday :D good luck



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