Twins But Only Found One Heartbeat So Far
3 Replies
I found out yesterday I'm having twins. I had a u/s 2 weeks ago and there was only and then yesterday at 8 weeks there was 2. Baby A is measuring 8w but baby B is only measuring 6w3d and they couldn't find a heartbeat. They want me back in a week to check again for heartbeat and to decide if it's a viable twin. Did anybody have a situation like this and the twins were ok? This is such a shock to me but I still want my babies to be ok.
Sasha what did the smaller twin look like? If you scroll down the posts to one I posted yesterday you'll see I'm asking because I had an ultrasound yesterday and there were three sacs. The tech wouldn't tell me anything because the doctor wasn't there. I wanted to know if the smaller twin looked like what I saw because I'm 7 weeks today if I am pg!!!!! Best of luck and congrats.... I'm sure it will all be okay.
I lost both babies last night. Thank you though for the response.
Oh Sasha, I'm so sorry. I know words can't do anything to make you feel better, but my thoughts are with you.