I am six weeks pregnant and I just found out that I am having twins. I am both excited and overwhelmed. I have a seven year old daughter, and my husband and myself work full-time out of the home. Do any of you have an older child, twins and have continued to work? We are dependent on both of our incomes to maintain our quality of life. My mother has agreed to take of the children (twins) for me, so that is a huge blessing, but I am still very anxiety stricken. Please share any similiar experience.
Thank you.
i found out i was having twins at 6 weeks as well. this is my first pregnancy, so i don't have any other kiddos to worry about, but it sounds like you have it great with your mom! i don't have any experience or suggestions since i haven't had mine yet (I'm now 10 weeks) but it's totally normal to be anxious and I think that you are lucky to have an eager-to-help mom and it'll be rough at first but things will calm down as they always do with newborns after a few months! congrats!
Lisa, I am 13weeks pregnant with twins. I found out at 10 weeks. I have a daughter who will be 3 in july and a one year old. I have tried working in the past but it wasnt easy for me to find a reliable person who could be avaliable whenever. I am now an at home mom but its great that your mother is willing to help. Your 7year old should be a big help too. I hope everything goes great!